
Who invented ringpulls on cans of drink?

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Who invented ringpulls on cans of drink?




  1. Mr Ringo Pullos! just here for the points sorry

  2. Ermal Fraze of Dayton, Ohio, found himself in 1959...

    the mastery of which would be essential to developing the pop-top can, for which he obtained the first patent in 1963. “I personally did not invent the easy-open can end,” he later asserted. “People have been working on that since 1800.

    In the late 1950s I was aware of few complaints about beverage cans. In fact, they were convenient and unremarkable things, although there may have been some talk about a growing litter problem. Other than their taller shape, beer cans were not unlike the familiar tins that contained food, except for being opened with a church key instead of a can opener. However, while consumers drank contentedly, the brewing industry was growing concerned about the steadily rising cost of tinplate—the tincoated steel out of which the cans were made. Kaiser Aluminum initiated a research and development effort that produced a lightweight and economical aluminum can in 1958. At around the same time, the Adolph Coors Company began its own research and development program, and in early 1959 Coors beer began to be sold in seven-ounce returnable aluminum cans the brewing company made itself.

    The new cans were revolutionary not only in their raw material but also in how they were made. Whereas the relatively heavy old tin cans comprised three pieces, an aluminum can begins with a disk of metal that is first pushed into the shape of a cup like a tuna can and then stretched to make the taller sides. After the can is filled, a separate top is crimped on. Various improvements have been incorporated over the last three decades, especially in reducing the amount of metal involved, but the basic procedure remains the same. In the early years one pound of aluminum made fewer than twenty cans; today it provides thirty. The thickness of the can wall is less than five-thousandths of an inch—about the thickness of a magazine cover.

    The walls of the can can be so thin because its contents are under pressure. Just as a flabby balloon stiffens as it is blown up, so the carbonation in a beverage can stiffens it. However, a flat can bottom would also round out like a balloon and make the can rock on the store shelf or the kitchen table, so the bottom of an aluminum can must be dished inward. By putting a convex face against the pressure, it acts like an arch dam in resisting the pressure of the fluid behind it. The can top, on the other hand, cannot be so dished and thus must be thicker than the rest of the container. To save metal in that thicker top, aluminum cans have come to have a characteristic stepped neck that requires a smaller-diameter top. Reducing the diameter as little as a quarter of an inch can save 20 percent of the metal required to make it.

    While the first aluminum cans were noticeably easier to open than steel ones, a separate opener was still required. This was an inconvenience, especially when there was plenty of beer but no church key at the family picnic. It was in such a situation that Ermal Fraze of Dayton, Ohio, found himself in 1959, when he resorted to using a car bumper to open a can. The operation evidently yielded more foam than refreshment, and Fraze is reported to have said that there must be a better way. On a subsequent night, unable to sleep after drinking too much coffee, he went to his basement workshop to tinker with the idea of attaching an opening lever to a can. He was hoping the activity would make him drowsy, but instead “I was up all night and it came to me—just like that. It was all there. I knew how to do it so it would be commercially feasible.” Fraze could make such a judgment because he was the owner of the Dayton Reliable Tool and Manufacturing Company, and he had considerable experience with metal forming and scoring, the mastery of which would be essential to developing the pop-top can, for which he obtained the first patent in 1963. “I personally did not invent the easy-open can end,” he later asserted. “People have been working on that since 1800. What I did was develop a method of attaching a tab on the can top.”

  3. The first all-aluminium cans were the same as their forebears, which still used the can opener to open them. Mikolaj Kondakow of Thunder Bay, Ontario invented the pull tab version for bottles in 1956[Canadian patent 476789]. Then, in 1962, Ermal Cleon Fraze of Dayton, Ohio invented the similar integral rivet and pull-tab version (also known as rimple or ring pull), which had a ring attached at the rivet for pulling, and which would come off completely to be discarded.

  4. i do believe it was invented by a Mr. Thomas Ringpull so thats where the name came from, they were going to call it a thomas pull, but decided against it.... lmao

    are you as bored as me?

  5. I know it was a women..

    see let me tell you a story about Thomas Edison...his wife invented it ALL....but the history books didn't record it that's true.

    Same thing happened with the invention of the Airplane.

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