
Who invented the FM station?

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  1. Fred Murray-- thats why its called fm

  2. RCA stole the invention of Howard and passed it off as their own.

    Howard died in his long pursuit of RCA through an unco-operative American Judicial System. His wife was eventually awarded damages and back royalties for the exploitation, by RCA, over the previous decades.


    The American and Canadian Armed Forces were using FM for entertainment broadcasting long before WWII! They used the ANTRC C41 (first issued in 1929) as their standard station. It is still used, today, by some UN detachments!

  3. The Man that created the FM Station was Edward Howard Armstrong. He invented it in 1946 and it was called FM because it was frequency modulation.

  4. <<During the early 1930s, single sideband (SSB) and frequency modulation (FM) were invented by amateur radio operators. By 1940, they were established commercial modes.>>

    This is a long, potentially complicated story, so I'm going to let Wikipedia tell  the Rest of the Story.

    -a guy named duh

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