
Who invented the chocolate fountain?

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I'm interested in catering business trivia. Does anyone know who invented champagne fountains and chocolate fountains? I Just curious....




  1. Chocolate fountains were first made popular by a Canadian company called Design & Realisation.

  2. Chocolate fountain:

    I couldn't find anything on the champagne fountain, however the 2nd link I'm enclosing has a lot of trivia info about beverages and such. Start at the 1900's and there should be a lot of common names we are all familiar with.

  3. Chocolate...." food of the gods” revered as a sacred elixir by its first aficionados, the ancient Mayans, some 2000 years ago; later the drink of nobility in European courts; once used as currency; an aphrodisiac; a health food.....Cocoa beans came to Spain via Christopher Columbus, in 1502 from his last voyage to the Caribbean islands. The Spanish kept chocolate a secret for about a century, until the monks who were assigned the task of processing cocoa gave the secret to the French. From there, chocolate spread to the rest of Europe. With industrialization, chocolate makers invented new processes to make chocolate......the world hasn't been the same since...

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