
Who invented the color purple or how did it get created?

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Who invented the color purple or how did it get created?




  1. probably came into being when some ancient person sat on a grape, or spilled grape juice on his shirt...

  2. Nobody "invented" purple. Colors are part of the light spectrum....they just exist.

  3. The colour purple is actually extracted from shells of sea creatures

    that live in the Mediterranean Sea. In ancient types (ie times of

    Greeks) the Phoenician people who were great sea traders would take huge amounts of the dye and trade with all the countries that border the Sea. The colour was so expensive that only the very wealthy could afford it and laws were actually passed that no one but royalty could wear it. In the 1920s they found a way to create it artificially and that is when it came into popular use with the general population.  

  4. The color purple wasn't invented. It was always in the light spectrum. The frequency of light that humans perceive as purple was always there. The colors are created depending on how long the wavelengths are. The color purples has a wavelength of 380–450 nm. As long as there was light, the color purple was always there, whether or not anyone or anything was there to see it. But then again, what is purple? Purple is whatever your brain thinks it looks like. What you see as orange may be what i see as purple. Everyone's brains work differently. We don't know what purple really looks like. Ex: what color is ultra violet light? we don't know, because we can't see it. we just have to know it's there. We don't know what purple really looks like, we just know it's there. But light who's wave lengths are between 380-450, are called purple. You create it by mixing red and blue.

  5. nobody invented purple , it has always been there. It is a mixture of red and blue  

  6. It wasn't 'invented', it is a naturally occurring secondary color. You mix Red and Blue (2 of the 3 Primary Colors, yellow being the third) and you have Purple.

    Every color in the World can be made by mixing the three Primary Colors in some fashion or form.

  7. You can't "invent" a color. Colors are from light.

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