
Who invented the computer?

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Who invented the computer?




  1. Proflgor asked the best question...the human brain IS a binary computer. So God and/or evolution is a good answer. There is also the ancient Greek device found in the sea near the island of "Antikythera." In fact, if you Google 'Antikythera Mechanism' you'll be blown away by this thousands-year old device.

    By asking 'who invented the computer,' you asked a broad, open-ended question...and that is so much more interesting than a narrower question like 'when was the Mac invented.'

  2. charles babbage :D

  3. Charles Babbage (UK, around 1840) planned but was unable to build a non-binary, decimal, programmable machine.

    1935-1938: Konrad Zuse builds Z1, world's first program-controlled computer........


    Konrad Zuse (1910-1995) was a construction engineer for the Henschel Aircraft Company in Berlin, Germany at the beginning of WWII. Konrad Zuse earned the semiofficial title of  "inventor of the modern computer" for his series of automatic calculators, which he invented to help him with his lengthy engineering calculations. Zuse has modestly dismissed the title while praising many of the inventions of his contemporaries and successors as being equally if not more important than his own.

    One of the most difficult aspects of doing a large calculation with either a slide rule or a mechanical adding machine is keeping track of all intermediate results and using them, in their proper place, in later steps of the calculation. Konrad Zuse wanted to overcome that difficulty. He realized that an automatic-calculator device would require three basic elements: a control, a memory, and a calculator for the arithmetic.

    In 1936, Zuse made a mechanical calculator called the Z1, the first binary computer. Zuse used it to explore several groundbreaking technologies in calculator development: floating-point arithmetic, high-capacity memory and modules or relays operating on the yes/no principle. Zuse's ideas, not fully implemented in the Z1, succeeded more with each Z prototype.

    In 1939, Zuse completed the Z2, the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.

  5. actually it started in Manual mechanical devices that invented by different contributors, it started in ancient people, they use fingers, sticks and stones as counting materials, then chinese people started using abacus, and in 1614 John Napier invented the "Napier's Bones", also famous for his invention of Logarithm Tables.

    Then there comes Outhred's Slide rule, developed by William Outhred in 1622. In 1645 a french Matimatician whose name is Blaise Pascal  developed and invented a calculating machine called Pascal's Calculator, and in 1674 Gottfield Wilhelm Von Leibniz made improvements of Pascal's invention, Leibniz's Calculator.

    and then there goes the "Mechanical Loom invented by the freshman named Joseph Jacquard, and next is Babbage's Analytical Engine invented by nineteenth century Englishman Charles Babbage also known as "The Father of Modern Computers", and then there goes Lady Ada Byron "Countess of Lovelace" earned the tittle of "The first computer Programmer" and the Monroe Calculating Machine invented by Frank Baldwin in 1872.

    and others are Hollerith's Punched Card Machine developed by Herman Hollerith in 1880's and so on and so forth..

    early computers are The Attanasoft-Berry Computer in 1937, the Mark I. by Howard Aiken in 1944

    and lot's of inventors and developers up to this generation,

    that's what i have learned so far, in my computer history studies haha

  6. Al Gore.

  7. You have a choice of two people  depending on whether you consider the concept by Babbage as the invention, or whether you consider the development of the theory of the modern computer by Turing as the invention of the computer.

    English mathematician Charles Babbage (1792–1871) designed a mechanical computing machine called the "analytical engine." It is considered the forerunner of the digital computer, a programmable electronic device that stores, retrieves, and processes data.  His design, however, didn't incorporate the vital idea which is now exploited by the computer in the modern sense, the idea of storing programs in the same form as data and intermediate working. His machine was designed to store programs on cards, while the working was to be done by mechanical cogs and wheels.

    In 1945 Alan Turing alone grasped the theory behind the computer in the modern sense that was to change computing completely after that date.  Above all he understood the universality inherent in the stored-program computer. He knew there could be just one machine for all tasks. He did not do so as an isolated dreamer, but as someone who knew about the practicability of large-scale electronics, with hands-on experience. From experience in codebreaking and mathematics he was also vividly aware of the scope of programs that could be run.  

    In summary, Charles Babbage (1792 - 1871) invented the concept of computers while Alan Turing in 1945 developed the theory behind computers in the modern sense.

  8. CB

  9. I know Steve Wozak (or someting i forget his last name) and steve jobs made the first home computer/business.

  10. Who invented the abacus ? Who invented the mind ?

  11. No. Al Gore invented the Internet

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