
Who invented the trains and what year did they start?

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Who invented the trains and what year did they start?




  1. steveion or somering lik that

    THE ROCKET was the first in 1825-26

  2. Rail transport dates back to the 16th century when miners used trucks running on primitive wooden rails.

    In the 18th century there were horse-powered railways which used cast-iron rails. These were called tramways, dramways or plateways, depending on which part of the country you were in.

    The first locomotive steam engine was built by Richard Trevithick and ran in 1804 at Pen-y-Darren in South Wales.

    The first public, passenger-carrying railway was opened in 1825 between Stockton and Darlington in north-east England,  built and operated by George Stephenson.

    The first train to carry mail ran on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway in 1830, and the first Travelling Post Office operated on the London & Birmingham Railway in 1837.

    Electric rail transport appeared around 1880 with the first electric trams and by 1890, the London Underground had its first electric train.

    The first diesel trains appeared in the 1920s in mainland Europe.

    The first high-speed diesel train was the German 'Flying Hamburger' of the 1930s which could travel at 100mph.

  3. This is a tough one to answer, given that from as early as the 14th century, primitive 'trains' consisting of horse-drawn trucks on wooden rails, were being utilized by mineworkers. In 1776, James Watt perfected a steam engine, and this in turn led to the development of the steam locomotive by Richard Trevithick in 1803, although the credit here is generally given to George Stephenson, who built the world's first railway line. I hope this helps with your question.

    But i dont know what year

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