
Who invinted VOLLEYBALL?

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PLZ answer it and put it in your own words so that i can understand it beacuse my little brother needs the info..




  1. William Morgan invented volleyball in 1895. He took the idea from a German game named Faustball. He invented it at the YMCA (Young men's christian association) where he was the director of physical education. He originally called the game Mintonette. William named it volleyball after demonstrating the game and a spectator commented on how much 'volleying' was going on.

  2. The above answers are correct.  Mintonette was invented as a less strenuous game than the game that was invented in the same area of Massachusetts.  That game was called basketball.  The name was changed to volleyball when it was noticed that the ball was volleyed back and forth.  The game did combine aspects of other sports.  If the serve hit the net, you were allowed another serve like tennis.  There were 9 innings and 3 serves (or outs) per player for the 9 players as in baseball.  There was a dribbling line.  They could not dribble the ball inside that line.  It was dribbling in the air or hitting the ball to yourself.

  3. It was invented by William Morgan in 1895.

  4. william morgan...actually it is mixed volleyball, it combined tennis,basketball and some was called mintonnette for the first time..

  5. Since you haven't picked a best answer yet, I'm going to answer it although some have already gotten it right. However, my example goes into a lot of depth:

    Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan (The first ever inductee in the Volleyball Hall of Fame) in the Holyoke, Massachusetts YMCA.

    Basketball was invented just 4 years earlier and a few miles away at another YMCA, but it was considered a contact sport. In those days, there were no leagues, only city YMCAs versus other city YMCAs. The majority of players were businessmen. These businessmen were tired of getting injured and having it affect their jobs. They were also out of shape and needed less strenuous activity.

    William Morgan was the physical director of the Holyoke YMCA at the time, he based the game on tennis, basketball, and badminton and called the game Mintonette, even using a basketball, and then a soccer ball the first few months. Morgan eventually went to a local sporting goods store (A.G. Spalding Brothers) to have them make the first volleyball.

    Some of Mintonette's many rules can be thought of as crazy today. Players could actually "dribble" the ball (Basketball) but only in the air, in essence bumping to themselves. Servers had two chances to serve (Tennis). However, one rule has always stayed the same; The ball must remain off the ground to stay in play (Badminton)

    Mintonette became volley ball shortly after a YMCA staff member, Alfred Halstead, witnessed the ball being volleyed back and forth over the net and suggested the new name. Over the course of the next few years volley ball became volleyball.

    In 1912, YMCA directors realized that specific rules needed to be kept updated and formed the Volleyball Rules Committee. This is the precursor to the USAV.

    Then in 1916, George J. Fisher (also inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame), president of the YMCA physical directors society suggested that the NCAA develop the game as an intercollegiate sport. and the sport has never looked back.

    Years later Dr. Fisher was responsible for instilling the game of volleyball into military training. The sport was played overseas in war zones and considered a huge distraction from war during soldier downtime. This helped the growth of the game tremendously.

  6. William George Morgan

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