
Who is 'Al Farazdaq' when was he born, when did he die? What is he famous for? What is his connection with....

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Zain Al- Abideen (as)?




  1. Hammam ibn Ghalib Abu Firas, (Arabic: همام بن غالب ، ابو فراس‎) commonly known as al-Farazdaq (Arabic: الفرزدق‎) (Ar. "lump of dough") (ca. 641 - ca. 728-730) was an Arab poet.

    He was born in Kadhima (modern day Kuwait) and lived at Basra. He was a member of Darim, one of the most respected divisions of the Bani Tamim, and his mother was of the tribe of Dabba. His grandfather Sa'sa' was a Bedouin of great repute, his father Ghalib followed the same manner of life until Basra was founded, and was famous for his generosity and hospitality.

    At the age of 15, Farazdaq was known as a poet, and though checked for a short time by the advice of the caliph Ali to devote his attention to the study of the Qur'an, he soon returned to making verse. In the true Bedouin spirit he devoted his talent largely to satire and attacked the Bani Nahshal and the Bani Fuqaim. When Ziyad, a member of the latter tribe, became governor of Basra in 669, the poet was compelled to flee, first to Kufa, and then, as he was still too near Ziyad, to Medina, where he was well received by the city's emir, Said ibn al-As. Here he remained about ten years, writing satires on Bedouin tribes, but avoiding city politics.

    But he lived a prodigal life, and his amorous verses led to his expulsion by the caliph Marwan I. Just at that time he learned of the death of Ziyad and returned to Basra, where he secured the favor of Ziyad's successor Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad. Much of his poetry was now devoted to his matrimonial affairs. He had taken advantage of his position as guardian and married his cousin Nawar against her will. She sought help in vain from the court of Basra and from various tribes. All feared the poet's satires. At last she fled to Mecca and appealed to the political contender to the Ummayids Abdallah ibn Zubayr, who, however, succeeded in inducing her to consent to a confirmation of the marriage.

    Quarrels soon arose again. Farazdaq took a second wife, and after her death a third, to annoy Nawar. Finally he consented to a divorce pronounced by Hasan al-Basri. Another subject occasioned a long series of verses, namely his feud with his rival Jarir and his tribe the Bani Kulaib. These poems are published as the Nakaid of Jarir and al-Farazdaq.

    In political life Farazdaq was prevented by fear from taking a large part. He seems, however, to have been attached to the house of Ali. During the reign of Muawiyah I he avoided politics, but later gave his allegiance to Abdallah ibn Zubayr.

    He is most famous for the poem that he gave in Makkah when Ali bin Hussain bin Ali bin Abu Talib entered the Haram of the Kaba angering the emir. The poem is extremely powerful. It is because of this poem that he was imprisoned.

  2. Imam ali Zainul-Abideen (A.S.) was born in Medina on Saturday, 11th Jamad al-Awwal, 37 (A.H.).  His father was Imam Al-Husain (son of Ali and Fatima Al-Zahraa’, the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH).  Zainul-Abideen’s mother was Shar Banu.

    Zainul Abideen spent his early years learning from men of outstanding knowledge.  The first three years of his life were spent in the guidance of his grandfather Imam Ali.  For his first twelve years he was very close to and tutored his uncle, Al-Hasan.  And he was tutored mainly by his father Al-Husain.

    Our Imam was famous for his prayers to Allah.  This earned him the titles of “Al-Sajjad” meaning with Sujood-intensity; “Al-Aabid” meaning the worship-minded, and “Zainul-Abideen” meaning the one who surpasses all in worship.

    Zainul Abideen’s knowledge and piety surpassed all in his age.  Many said that they could find no one else like him, let alone better than him.

    Imam Zainul-Abideen was often seen trembling and weeping in Salat, out of his intense feeling toward the Almighty.  When asked the reason for this, he replied, “Know ye not before whom I stand in prayers, and with whom I hold discourse?”

    Also, the Imam’s charity, as frequent and generous as it was, was always hidden and not announced.  He helped numerous ones who needed help.  He was a friend of the poor, often even carrying food on his back to poor households.  He was also known for his generosity and hospitality.

    Like all our other Imams, Imam Zainul-Abideen had a life of immense hardship and suffering.  During the early part of his life, he witnessed the martyrdom of his father, brothers, friends and family members in Karbala.  His own life was spared, on account of his grave illness during this tragedy.  Despite his condition, he still asked for the permission to fight, but was denied it, as he was the next Imam after Imam Al-Husain (A.S.).

    The Imam’s survival in the holocaust of Karbala is no less than a miracle in itself.  It proves, however, that Allah wanted to save “Imamah” from extinction.

    The gruesome ordeal of Karbala was extremely difficult if not profoundly arduous.  In the immediate period after Karbala Imam Zainul-Abideen was treated in a harsh and unkind manner by the tyrannical powers of the time.  After the grotesque manner his father as well as all male members of his family were killed by Yazid’s forces, Zainul Abideen was made a prisoner of the despotic ruler, Yazid.  He was even put in shackles while traveling from Kufa to Damascus, a distance of 700 miles on camel back, for such was the cruelty of the rulers!

    In Damascus, as well as in Kufa beforehand, Zainul Abideen faced the tyrannical rulers with enormous courage and fortitude.  Singlehandedly he exposed Yazid’s cover up of the butchery that took place in Karabala, and valiantly brought to mind to those attending the court of Yazid (as well as the crowd at Jumu’a Salat) of who the family of the Prophet (Ahlul Bayt) were, and what atrocities took place in Karbala as well.

    Once in Medina, the 22 year old Imam preferred seclusion for a period, perhaps of one year.  After all, the gruesome experience of the butchery in Karbala was too daunting for anyone, let alone for the very tender-hearted Imam.  He wrote, composed and prayed, appealed and beseeched the Almighty.  And this proved to continue throughout his life time, which led to a magnificent write up of Du’aas, supplications, and the epistle of rights and obligations of man.  The latter preceded the Magna Charta by several centuries, whereby human rights and relationship are chartered and their obligations are mapped.  This is in relation to the Almighty, the self, the parents, children, the community then the society.

    Zainul Abideen was so generous, that his enemy (Marwan son of Hakam of Benu Umayya) requested him to give shelter to his family, to which Zainul Abideen did not hesitate.  As it turned out, he became the host to 400 people of Benu Umayya for several weeks, feeding them, tending to them, and making every effort  for their comfort (free and without charges).  These were from the same Benu Umayya who had killed Zainul Abideen’s father and butchered the rest of the family, and slew 8 Sahaabi of the Prophet (PBUH) and 20 Companions of Imam Ali in Karbala, only one year before!!

    The collection of his Du’aas is called “Al-Saheefa Al Sajjadiyah”, also known as “Zaboor Aali Muhammad”.  These prayers are very compelling and very moving; they helped provide the necessary guidance to later generations to this day.

    Imam Zainul Abideen passed away at the age of 57 years, exactly the same age of his father Imam Al-Husain.  He died in Medina on the 25th of Muharram.  His son, the 38 year old Imam Muhammad Al-Baaqir (A.S.) performed the funeral prayers.  He was buried in Jannatul Baqi.

    Sample of Zainul Abideen’s Supplications:

    MUNAJAAT:  (The Whispered Prayer) of the Hopeful:

    O Lord!

    Which person has come before Thee seeking hospitality, and You have not received him hospitably?  And who is the one who has dismounted at Thy door hoping for magnanimity, and to whom You have not shown it?

    O Allah who is the asylum of every fleer, the hope of seekers!

    O Best Object of hope! O Most Generous Aim for supplication!

    O Allah who does not reject His asker or disappoint the expectant!

    O Allah whose door is open to His supplicators and whose veil is lifted for those who hope in Him!

    I ask Thee by Thy generosity to show kindness toward me through Thy gifts,

    * with that which will give serenity to my soul, and

    * through certainty with that which will make easy for me the afflictions of this world, and

    *life from my insight the veils of blindness!

    By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!


    My Lord!

    *Thy bounty which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!

    *Thy generosity which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!

    *Thy cover over me through Thy clemency - - tear it not away!

    *My ugly acts which Thou hast come to know - - forgive them!

    My Lord!

    *I seek intercession from Thee with Thee, and

    *I seek sanctuary in Thee from Thee!

    *I have come to Thee craving Thy beneficence, desiring Thy kindness, …

    *So act toward me with the forgiveness and mercy of which Thou art worthy!

    *Act not toward me with the chastisement and vengeance of which I am worthy!

    *By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!

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