
Who is Alex Jones?

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Are his movies any good?




  1. Alex Jones is a great guy who speaks the truth. his movies are amazing check out his site at

  2. Yes, they are.  He is educated and keeps the heads up on what this government is doing.  He even predicted that 9/11 was going to happen in July of that year...because he had been aware of what was happening around the world.

  3. Allot of his stuff is good,he talks allot about 9/11,being orchestrated by the global elite,and secret societies and other stuff like that. I wouldn't recommend him unless you have watched 9/11 revisited or 9/11 mysteries,otherwise you might think he is to "extreme".  . I liked rise of the police state and terrorstorm. You can watch them on you tube,Or his website prison or Good luck.

  4. He is a wacko.  Read his bio and the types of movies he has made.  My favorite is the one on American Slavery........ I think he owns a lot of foil.

  5. Alex is passionate.  That being said he is sort of fast and loose with the facts; however he does discuss a great number of things that the "mainstream" will not, or if they do discuss those things they do not connect the dots quite like ole' Mr. Jones.  

    He for the most part relies on mainstream sources and then cross references those sources to provide an alternative view of the matters at hand.  

    I would check out and for a more in depth look at Mr. Jones work.



    o matter what you can say about Mr. Jones,  he is a Patriot. He loves the founders vision of what this Country could/would/and should be!!
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