
Who is Anthony Kim? and does his game compare to Tiger Woods?

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This is the first I have heard of him. He's 22 and just won $1.2 million in the Wachovia Open. Tiger could not defend Wachovia because of knee surgery. Do you think he can hold his own against Tiger?




  1. He is the next up and coming American star.  Ian Baker-Finch was commenting on how ALL golf analystists are predicting great things for Kim...  Hopefully this won't jinx him becuase I've met him and he is really sincere and an all around class act.  I hope he wins another.

  2. No one has the game to compare with Tiger, the mental game.  Every time one of the pros has a chance to compete the collapse like a house of cards.  One of the old players said "overall today's players are better but we had better players at the top"  and that is true.   The mental game is so bad that Tiger doesn't need to shoot a good round on the last day when he is in front because everyone has conceded the tournament to him.  However, Tiger does have a kink and that is not being able to come from behind in a major.   Head to head Tiger loses to Jack, Tom, or Ben on the final day if they are tied at the beginning because they were so mentally tough.

  3. There have been several contenders to compete with Tiger Woods and all seem to have fallen by the wayside. None has exhibited his full potential. Kim has the tools, has a very strong will to win and showed his ability in the Wachovia tny. But to keep things in perspective, Kim has 10 years to equal Tiger's accomplishments. Tiger has a few more years to equal Nicklaus' accomplishments who for all intents and purposes still has the record to beat. Snead's wins record will take a couple of years more.

  4. i think he has alot of potential to be a contendor for maybe the 2 ranking but tiger is untouchable



  5. He is very good and i think he is fully capable of hanging with Tiger on his best day.

  6. Tiger has an awsome work effort. He has the best accuratcy of anyone in the game, this what makes him the best. Kim, is a p***y, gets by, by just his talent.

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