
Who is Ayatollah Khomeini? And how does he tie into Islam? ?

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  1. he was mujaddid and mujtahid, in iran. the main leader of revolution.

    Islam was sleeping in the corner, and khomeini put it on the mimber(stage) of masjid.

  2. lol@wahhabi answers

  3. he was a kaffir

    he was tied into islam through shia

    @shiite and

  4. Imam Khomeini was born in the town of Khomein, about 350 kms south of Tehran in the central province, on the 20th of Jamadi-Al-Thani, the year 1320 L.H.,(September 24, 1902). Also the birth anniversary of Fatima Zahra, the daughter of Prophet Mohammea (peace be upon him). He was named Ruhollah. The sprit of God.

    His father, Ayatollah Seyyed Mostafa Musavi, assumed the religious leadership of the people of Khomein and the nearby villages after his return from the Islamic theology center in the city of Najaf, Iraq. But only a few months after Ruhollah was born, his father was fatally wounded by bandits on the road to Arak, north of Khomein. He was 47.

    Imam Khomeini`s mother, Hajar, was also of a prominent religious family. She was the daughter of an Ayatollah Mirza Ahmad, a scholar and teacher in Karbala and Najaf theological centers, in Iraq. She also passed away when the Imam was only 15.


    Despite these personal disasters, the Imam remained resistant and began using his talent and intelligence in learning Islamic sciences --first under his brother, Ayatollah Seyyed Morteza Pasandideh. Later he went to the theological school in Arak where he attended the classes of the prominent scholar of his time, Haj Sheikh Abdulkarim Haeri Yazdi. He also mastered Arabic literature.

    After top theologians moved from Arak to the holy city of Qom, the Imam intensified his studies and completed the highest level of theology by 1927, and soon later was pronounced a mujtahid, qualified jurist, by his senior tutors. He specialized in various fields other than Fiqh (jurisprudence), including Philosophy, Irfan and Ethics.

    Political Life before 1963

    Known for his strong political views against the regime, the security agents of Reza Khan, the founder of the Pahlavi dynasty, were ordered to restrict the Imam's activities. But the Imam continued his gradual but firm effort to spread his enlightening message to masses.

    After the death of Ayatollah Borujerdi, the paramount shia leader of the time, the Imam was chosen his successor by the Ulema and people. With this, his cultural Jihad against the monarchy gathered momentum in 1961, reaching a climax in 1963.


    On June 3rd of that year the Imam made a historical speech against the dependence of the Shah's regime on foreign powers and its support of the Israel. He also stressed on the role of the Ulema in society.

    The Imam was immediately arrested on June 5th. But his powerful speech brought the people of Qom out into the streets. News reached other cities and for two days people in several major cities including Tehran, demonstrated against the Shah and in support of the Imam.

    On June 5th, troops supported by tank were deployed crush the growing movement. Many are massacre and the Shah's dictatorial regime appeared to have achieved victory. But the seed of the Islamic Revolution had been planted.

    In Exile 4/11/1964-3/10/1978

    Following the Imam's arrest, the regime came under sever pressure from the Ulema and the massage. On November 4th, the Imam was sent into exile. He was first deported to Turkey and then to Iraq where he took up residence in Najaf.

    Still determined to act according to his religious responsibility the Imam escalated his political struggle. This further added to the religious and political awareness and maturity of the Iranian people that was demonstrated by their angry and massive response to the murder of Haj Mostafa Khomeini, the Imam's eldest son, in the winter o f1977 by the agents of the Shah's secret police, the Savak.

    The martyrdom of Haj Mostafa, as well as an insulting article printed in the daily Ettela`at on Savak`s order, prompted mourning a protest gathering in major cities. Many people were killed in demonstrations and the regime decided that the only way to calm the situation was to prevent the Imam's inspirational message reach the people.

    The Shah demanded and received cooperation from the Iraqi regime and the Imam was expelled on 3 October 1978.

    Migration (Oct. 3, 1978-Feb. 1, 1979)

    Imam Khomeini set out for Kuwait on October 3rd 1978 but was denied entry by the government. After consulting with his son, Ahamad, the Imam decided to go to France where he arrived on October 5th and a few days later took up residence in the small village of Neuphle le Chateau.

    In Iran mass protests against the regime and the continued exile of the Imam grew to such an extent that it become impossible to control and suppress completely.

    The Imam made frequent speeches, sent messages to the Iranian nation, gave numerous interviews to the media, outlining the liberation- seeking values and ideas of Islam and explained the framework of the Islamic state based on divine justice.

    The ruling regime was facing a serious crisis. The West forced the Shah to leave Iran to allow the newly formed "liberal" Bakhtiar government to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the people. But the Imam still held the initiative: he was determined to return to Iran. The nation prepared for the greatest home coming ceremony in history. The Imam left Paris for Tehran on 1 February 1979.

    Return to Home 1/2/1979

    The streets o Tehran was packed with millions of people, waiting enthusiastically to great the Imam.

    The Plane carrying the Imam landed safely at Tehran's Merababd Airport. The Imam set foot on the Islamic homeland for the first time in more than 15 years. His first move upon arrival was to go to Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery to pay tribute to the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution.

    Confident of victory, people rejected everywhere. The regime unleashed its last bullets. Love, courage, and martyrdom in the struggle led every step of the monarchical regime. The Islamic Revolution triumphed and true Mohammadan Islam spread its wings over Iran.

    Everyday thousands of people rushed to see the Imam. An interim government was formed. The new state was gradually taking shape. The Imam insisted that the main institutions be set up. The people voted for the Islamic Republic and approved its constitution. Thus the first Islamic State after 1400 years was born.

    The Islamic Republic of IRAN

    After setting up the Islamic Republic of IRAN, Imam was no longer just a leader, but a caring, sincere, father. He even cared for those who have done wrong and lost their way. He was loved, even by the poor, the deprived and freedom fighters of other nations.

    The Imam made most of his speeches during he period among 19979 - 1989. He gave out solutions, set the framework for principles of statementship. He not only explain the virtues of religion and ethics, but detailed the aims of the Islamic Republic and its domestic and foreign policies.

    Farewell, and Mourning

    After ten years, at 22:22 Saturday night June 3rd, 1989, the Imam passed away. The news was broadcast the following morning, the sense of loss was unbearable. Millions poured in from all part of country to participate in the biggest farewell in the history. The similar ceremonies were held, as well as in many Islamic countries and communities around the world.


    @ Ranoush

    Your out of your Limit

    Be carefull

  5. Here is a brief history

    Speech by Shiek Ahmad Deetat about Khomani

    Ayatollah Khomani on Sunni/Shia unity:

    "Today, world peace is such that all countries are under the political influence of the superpowers; they observe a control everywhere and have schemes for defeating every group. The most important of these is sowing discord among brothers.

    Muslims should be awake, Muslims should be alert that if a dispute takes place among Sunni and s**+'ite brothers, it is harmful to all of us, it is harmful to all Muslims. Those who want to sow discord are neither Sunni nor s**+'ite, they are agents of the superpowers and work for them.

    Those who attempt to cause discord among our Sunni and s**+'ite brothers are people who conspire for the enemies of Islam and want the enemies of Islam to triumph over Muslims. They are the supporters of America and some are supporters of the Soviet Union.

    I hope that through considering this Islamic precept - that all Muslims are brothers - all Islamic countries will triumph against the superpowers and succeed in actualizing all Islamic ordinances.

    Muslims are brothers and will not be segregated by the pseudo-propaganda sponsored by corrupt elements. The source of this matter - that s**+'ites should be on one side and Sunni on the other - is on the one hand ignorance and on the other hand propaganda of the foreigners.

    If Islamic brotherhood comes to the fore among Islamic countries, such will become a great power which none of the global powers will be able to cope with.

    s**+'ites and Sunnis brothers should avoid every kind of dispute. Today, discord among us will only benefit those who follow neither s**+'ia nor Hanafi. They neither want this nor that to exist, and know the way to sow dispute between you and us. We must pay attention that we are all Muslims and we all believe in the Qur'an; we all belive in Tawheed and must work to serve the Qur'an and Tawheed

  6. he was a shia Not Muslim

    he was a scholar of shiaism religion they call him ayatollat

    he was a dictator and criminal  and tyrant

    he made a bloody revolution and called it Islamic one !!!

    He said the Prophet Muhammad didn't success in his msg

    He said that All books from god got corrupted and modified including Quran !

    He said that Abu Baker (ra) and Omar(ra) are in the lowest level of h**l with Iblees !

    he said that his 12th Imam will dig grave of Mother of believers Aisha(ra) and will punish her !

    he issued fatwa that said sunni(he used the word wahabi and nasibi to cover it!)

    anyway he said Sunni Blood and Money is Halal !

    so to kill them to steal their money is halal for shias !

    and for his acts


    first thing after taking the charge of Iran


    Destroying and closing All Muslims(sunni) Masjids of iran

    and yes till now his rules still on and there are about 2 Million Muslim (sunni) in Tehran but they don't have one single Masjid and they can't build one !

    he killed

    hundreds of thousand of Muslims(sunni)

    hanging them in streets

    and still his rules on since ahmadinejad is his  student !

    you can see the crimes of them here

    yes if they see you as a Practicing Muslims sunni in Iran they will accuse you of wahabi and they will hang you in streets !

    what to say there is alot to say

    emm i will post links  later on him

    BTW he is a Kafir and declared a Kafir by Islamic scholars when he commit Kufer by calling sahabas a Kafirs

    i didn't bring all his c**p and fatawas

    this is few only !

    anyway he was a shia

    and practicing shiaism religion !

    edit: he also said


    "The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

    (Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran, while addressing a message for a youth rally).

    Khomeinism and Islam,

    page 8 by Abu Rehan

    you find more on him


  7. He was a political figure, politician, a shia imam, and a scholar from Iran.

    I dont mix him with Islam because he said stuff like 'its ok to have s*x with animals and babies and change your gender'

  8. he is shia shities  god

  9. he was a leader in Iran and he followed the Islamic faith..  

  10. he was a shia scholar,

    I am giving u the brief introduction,so u know what he has for muslims and sahaba.


    "TAHREEF (deliberate alteration of words to change the meaning of the holy books, namely, the Bible, etc.) is that fault which Muslims accuse Jews and Christians of indulging in, has proved to be found in the Ashaabs (of Rasoolullah - sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)."


    "It was easy for the Ashaabs (of Rasoolullah - sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to remove verses from the Holy Quran and deliberately add verses to it, and in this way forever concealing from the people of the world the true Quran."



    "The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

    @shiite M...! why u asking a muslim sister to "stay in her limits "

    Did u ever tell your shias who put animals name b4 companion of prophet ,it means there is no limit for shias but for muslims

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