
Who is Britannia and why does she rule England ?

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Are English royals related to her blood line ?




  1. The Britannias was the original Latin name the Roman Empire gave to Britain. Deriving from Pretannia, Diodorus's Greek rendering of the indigenous name pretani, Britannia became the preferred Roman term for the island of Great Britain. Britannia was personified as a Goddess by the Romans, and in more recent times has become a figure of national personification of the United Kingdom.

    There was a celtic goddess called Brigid who is one of the many sources of the personification of Britain. The Emperor Claudius paid a visit while Britain was being conquered and was honoured with the agnomen Britannicus as if he were the conqueror, but Britannia remained a place, not a female personification of the land, until she appeared on coins issued under Hadrian, which introduced a female figure labelled BRITANNIA.

    Britannia was soon personified as a goddess. Early portraits of the goddess depict Britannia as a beautiful young woman, wearing the helmet of a Centurion, and wrapped in a white garment with her right breast exposed. She is usually shown seated on a rock, holding a spear, and with a spiked shield propped beside her. Sometimes she holds a standard and leans on the shield. On another range of coinage, she is seated on a globe above waves: Britain at the edge of the 'known' world. Similar coin types were also issued under Antoninus Pius.

  2. Britannia is a symbol of Great Britain, not a real person. She is usually portrayed as a mature woman with a Greek style helmet, spear and oval shield decorated with the Union Jack. The Queen is the ruler of the British Empire.

  3. Brittania is Hyacinth Bucket and yes she does rule England.

  4. I'm not totally sure if... answer this for me to confirm your identity... "Does the China-man have a shiny car?"

    Okay, good. Donkey mittens and I are moving the rendevous point and the plan is still in action. Our resistance movement is in full effect.

    The encyclopedias (no use in making up a code name for a book as domesticated and dare I say taciturn, as the britannia's are) have infiltrated our deepest political offices and have occasionally been opened and flipped through for photo-ops in front of their mahogany shelves.

    We need to act soon, or England will be in a perilous situation. Grab these supplies and check back with me or donkey mittens for further instructions.

    1 kitchen mop

    stuffed moose head

    organic carrots

    the trunk of a 97 buick regal

    one tree

    two trees

    three threes

    Lure the moose to your lap with the carrots. Eat the peels so it doesn't smell the whiskey blood line on your breath.

    Once it relaxes and begins to purr, GRAB the moose head and wrap the threes around it's neck in a headcuff. Run into the Buick Regal trunk and close it on your fingers twice to assure us you're a true secret agent.

    Now secure yourself in the trunk and get the trees out. In a year or two, the trees will grow and push the trunk open (you'll survive on their oxygen and fruits) in a few years.


  5. Britannia can have a female personification, like "Lady Liberty" on United States coins, but Britannia is the ancient Roman name for what is now known as Great Britain.

    You may be confused with a slogan, or perhaps a line form a song, I heard long ago:  "Britannia rules the waves."  I think that referred to the British Navy's power through many centuries.  

    I was very young, in the early days of television, when I heard that.  They showed a cruising battleship, with others following, while the the song, or statement, was quoted.  I got the impression then, that it was the name of the battleship; so it could also have been the name of one of England's dreadnoughts.  It could be, though, that was just a wrong impression of a little boy in front of a television.

  6. This guys joking btw. There isn't a idiot this side of heaven that could possibly think Britannia is a person.

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