
Who is Chez Guevara?

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and why do people either love him or hate him?




  1. Columbian communist hitman who went on to become Castro's right hand man during the Cuban Revolution.

    Famous head and shoulders print of Guevara wearing a beret went on to become an iconic image representing rebellion for decades.

    Do you remember Citizen Smith on the telly?

    Power to the people!

  2. , was a communist freedom fighter that became Fidel's right hand man, a doctor from Columbia, it was his land reform programs that put him in front of Castro in popularity. Fearing this Che was sent on an organizing mission ,i believe it was in his native country well, after many battle and  back stabbing deals Che was captured and shot his hands were removed and sent to Castro by the c.i.a., much latter his remains were sent back to Cuba where reunited with his hands were given a proper funeral. there are tons of info on the net and several movies the last being THE  MOTORCYCLE DIARIES

  3. Hello :)

    Guevara is a close friend to Castro, The aging Cuban President, he was one of a select few who led the rebellion in Cuba and won the country after a lot of Guerrilla wars (street, forests, wars). When they reached the height of their power he refused to share in the government and said that he helped the Cubans and he has to help other oppressed countries in the region (latin America) and he left to help others in neighboring countries untill he died in an ambush.

    So, roughly speaking he is a humanist who wanted to help others and didn't pay much attention to gaining authority and a high political rank, more like a humanist. Thats the reason all rebels and oppressed like him. Yet, he is a communist and his life involved a lot of blood and violence, which is a frowned upon fact for those who dislike him.

    Hope I simplified it for you, but the issue is, SURE, larger than some few lines and you have to do some research if you are interested in details.

    Hope this helped :)

  4. He was a murdering Communist thug who worked for Castro. People revile George Bush, but will wear Che shirts because they think he's 'cool'.

    Commies aren't cool. Ask any Cuban who risk their lives trying to get to America on inner tubes and they would agree.

  5. Che was an Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary, international political figure, author, military theorist,social philosopher,medical physician, and leader of Cuban and internationalist guerrillas.

    Those hearing the American version dislike him.

  6. Stalinist, thug and child murderer.  Organised execution squads in Cuba.

    Posthumous career as a homoerotic T-shirt pin up.

    Frequently idolised by trotskyite students, who he would have had shot as leftists.
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