
Who is Grendel? I need Help!?

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I need help for a Grendel Project I have due in 3 days. what is Grendel? who is Grendel? I need to write a report on the morals/morality of Grendel, Beowulf, and Hrothgar ? any info will be appreciated. is it necessary to read Beowulf or some other book? this is my first time reading this type of book in this type of book level. i am so lost. i need help thanks.




  1. The monster in Beowulf

  2. Which book are you reading? Are you reading a book titled Grendel? Or are you reading a poem or a prose version of Beowulf? They're different.

    Check or for some help understanding the story. There are a few movie versions of Beowulf, but all the ones I've seen are adaptations and are not strictly faithful to the text.

  3. I'm never sure whether it's worth responding to queries like this, but ... read the book. If you won't do that much, at least consult a dictionary, encyclopedia or Wikipedia. Or rent one of the film versions of the story; there are several.  

  4. I recommend reading the book. You will get more info on the characters. Grendel is the monster they have to battle, but the book describes him better.

  5. There are 2 movies and you can get the info that you need from them but you really should read it

  6. Yes, you probably should read the book (Beowulf).  

  7. Beowulf read it.

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