
Who is Hugo Chavez?do you know?

by Guest32251  |  earlier

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Who is Hugo Chavez?do you know?




  1. President of Venezuela. Recently, failed a "vote of confidence" by the people but decided to stay in office. Has basically taken over the country and is very close to Fidel Castro. He/Venezuela own the Citgo when you buy Citgo gas you are supporting a totalitarian regime, pro-communist, and has organized secret police that make opponents disappear. Basically, your run of the mill 3rd world thug.

  2. isn't he the spokesperson for Columbian coffee?

  3. A communist butcher in Venezuala who is murdering his own people as we speak...With Cuban help...

  4. The laughing stock of Venezuela... at least according to my former Venezuelan roommate that I lived with for 3 years.. lol... she /even/ says he is a nut job and really needs to be taken down a notch or tow or ten...  

  5. President of Venezuela

    Why didn't you Google it?  

  6. Communist Dictator of Venezuela.

    He is a danger to the world.  Yet another NUT that gets rich and lies to his country while the people starve to death.  

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