
Who is Levi Johnson?

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Who is Levi Johnson?




  1. Who cares.

  2. Someone who had s*x without realizing he might change the direction of the world

  3. Here is WHO I think Levi Johnson is,

    Someones son,brother ,friend,and boyfriend.

    Someone that sounds like a normal teenage male,that had a

    sexual encounter with his beautiful,well built girlfriend,that did NOT think

    about the consequences of their actions. Lots of older people have done the same. So let's not throw mud at these young people. They sound like they are going to step-up and take responsibility for their actions.

    This is America folks,  people use poor judgment every day of the week, doesn't mean they are NOT GOOD PEOPLE. They could be doing Worse things.

  4. Classic story....

    Jock bangs the town w***e.

    Town w***e gets pregnant.

    Town w***e happens to be daughter of the Republican VP pick.

    Jock who could give a d**n about politics is forced to be paraded in front of the country as loving father to town whores b*****d child.

    You screwed the pooch on this one buddy.


  5. i have no clue and no idea do you like him?

  6. UM...(we can't talk about makes the Republicans mad).

  7. one day a nobody, next day someone famous who will be on opha, good morning america, and get to speak in thousands of churchs, town meetings, schools, for a "FEE"..only in america !!!!

  8. The son of parents....

  9. a high school drop out  

  10. I'm sure CNN or NBC will have a detailed, 3 hour documentary on him within the next couple days.

  11. He's a 17 year old high school student who didn't ask for any of this attention. You should be ashamed of yourself for participating in this smear. Leave kids out of this, flame only the candidate!

  12. The father of Sarah Palin's 17-year old, unmarried daughter's unborn baby.

    ADDITIONAL: this is relevant because she strongly supports Christian family values, but isn't doing a very good job raising her own children with these same values.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg, get ready for a republican sh*tstorm.

  13. That would Sarah's daughter boyfriend who will be attending the convention soon enough.

    Check this out

    McCain aides whose judgment I trust are impressed by Sarah Palin. One was particularly amused by this exchange: A nervous young McCain staffer took it upon himself to explain to Palin the facts of life in a national campaign, the intense scrutiny she’d be under from the media, the viciousness of the assault that she’d be facing, etc.:

    Palin: “Thanks for the warning. By the way, do you know what they say the difference is between a hockey mom and a Pit Bull?”

    McCain aide: “No, Governor.”

    Palin: “A hockey mom wears lipstick

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