
Who is Lieberfart supporting now? Do you know why Al Gore chose him as his VP nominee?

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Who is Lieberfart supporting now? Do you know why Al Gore chose him as his VP nominee?




  1. Lieberman lost the Primary as a Dem in Connecticut after his failed bid with Gore.  He ran on the Independent ticket and won.  Lindsay Graham, McCain and Lieberman like to all travel together.  Graham wanted Lieberman as McCain's VP.  

    During the 2000 elections, Gore made two errors...he distanced himself from Clinton and he picked Lieberman as VP.  I think he would have won in 2000 in other states and FL would not have been an issue if he had united with Clinton and picked a different VP.    

  2. Gore was trying to disassociate himself from Clinton, so he picked someone he thought was above reproach.  Soon it was clear he had made one very big boo boo.  What a disaster that presidency would have been.

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