
Who is Mccain's VP? Pawlenty confirmed?

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There's a lot of speculation going around Pawlenty and there are a lot of people around his house, similar to the situation of Joe Biden. Romney is doing fundraising at CA. Liberman is too liberal. I don't think Republicans would pick a woman. That leaves Tim Pawlenty.




  1. Not THE Tim Pawlenty? McCain-Pawlenty? That's a mouthful. Joke writes itself. We have had Pawlenty of McCain!

  2. o jeez i think it is too.  And its so ironic that mccain is bringing someone with 5 years of experience on the ticket, I guess thats a ton more experience than Obama  

  3. Yeah, I heard Pawlenty canceled a bunch of public appearences he had scheduled in the next couple of days.....he's prolly the one.

  4. Let's hope not, Minnesota is a state which likes to keep it's money in the Twin Cities....most county roads are still dirt, & try to see a township road paved.    

    it's official, Alaskan governor Sarah Palin.

  5. He has picked him twice, problem is he keeps forgetting who he chose.

  6. Are you serious? I haven't watched the news in a couple of days. That settles it, I'm not voting this year.

  7. whoever he picks, i'll vote for him.

    Mccain 2008

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