
Who is NOT obsessed with Twilight?

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I have read the first book and can proudly say, I am not obsessed.

It didn't draw me in like I "heard it was supposed to do"

But what drew me in where the Narnia books.

So my question is, who can say they are not obsessed with the Twilight books.




  1. I am not.  I read the series mainly because I read the first one to see what all the hype was about and I hate leaving things unfinished so I had to finish it.  The only parts I enjoyed about it was when I was able to laugh so hard snot ran out of my nose, because it was just that ridiculous.

  2. I'm a recovering addict.  People kept telling me to do Twilight, and I did, and I got addicted right away.  (Apparently it's my brand of heroin)  I can't get it out of my system!  Every time I think I've kicked it, I can't help it.  I go back, just for a taste, and I fall off the wagon again.  And it's even worse, because I'm a pusher.  I push it on other people, because like all addicts I don't want to do Twilight alone.  I want to quit, but it's so hard!

    But I love Narnia too.  THAT has stayed with me for years, and it's much healthier for me than Twilight is.  No matter how many times I read the series (it's at least once or twice a year) they never cease to make me happy.  No, not happy, joyful.  They bring me joy,  Maybe that's what I need to quit Twilight for good.

    (I love CS Lewis and am currently listening to part of The Screwtape Letters)

  3. i never read the twilight, but i love narnia, although it's too christian for my taste, lord of the ring is what i can't get in too, the movie was bad and i got bored of the book

  4. I read it. Thought it was alright.

    It wasn't enough to make me type "oMgZ i LuV dIs bOoK LoLz. robert pattinson disirvs a oskar!!!!1111!!!one!!!!!"

    Stupid effing fangirls.

  5. You know me so well! I must admit, I read the Twilight books on the recommendation of a good friend. Naturally, I avoid things that people become obsessed with or that are over-publicized. But I thought that I'd give the series a chance since I trusted my source. Luckily, I was able to read the four books without sustaining any lasting damage to my brain cells.

  6. Me! LOL.  When I first saw twilight hype here in yahoo answer, I really want to read the book.  But time after time, there are too many questions about it, and sometimes (by accident or not) the askers are spoiling it, like : Does Bella really have a baby?

    I haven't read the books, but, now i'm losing my interest.  Thanks to all the spoilers here LOL

  7. Proudly? Not really. I think it's odd people ARE obsessed. But yes, I'm not. I don't like them. I just finished answering a little obsesser who attacked me because of it. But oh well. My opinion. Deal with it!

    I liked the Narnia books too. They are for children but can be enjoyed by all ages.


  8. I *despise* Twilight. The characters are all one-dimensional, it took way too long to get to the plot (379 pages! That's just insane!), the characters are sexist (including Bella), and if I had to read how beautiful Edward was one more time I was going to *kill* someone.

    I really don't understand the hype, nor do I understand how people could even begin to compare them to the Harry Potter series. Rowling's work is hardly a masterpiece, but at least her characters are fleshed out and her females have brains. And her stories have actual plots. And make sense.

  9. I am so NOT obsessed w/ the Twilight series that @ the height of its mania I actually shredded a CD of mood music because it had Twilight in the title!

  10. I am not obsessed with the twilight series.

    but since there is so much hype, I have given in and am borrowing the book from the library.

    I am, however interested to see the movie.

  11. I dislike it. the series is poorly written and the characters are lame. it is a book that gets way too much attention. the movie will also suck.


  12. I'm kinda in the middle. I love the Cullens, think there awsome, and that bella is just a whiny wannabe, have NO clue why she's with Edward *muses, maybe cuse the author's a little off her rocker?* *grin grin* HATE HATE HATE JACOB tho. so in other words, the entire series sucks except for the cullens. maybe meyer was having a bout of sanity when she invented them :D?

    havent even tried reading BD

  13. I can proudly say that while I like the Twilight novels, I:

    -Comprehend that they are fictional, as are all of the characters

    -Know that even if vampires WERE real, the chances of me surviving a vampire attack are slim to none

    -Do not have some sick fantasy of eating my cats to be "like the Cullens"

    Good for you! We need to stand up against the sickly obsessed little girls here!

  14. *raises hand*

    I can't stand Twilight. I will never be obsessed with it.

  15. I think I must be too old for that... I've never read one.  

  16. *stands up on soap box, prepared to give a speech on how much I hate Twilight, then thinks better of it and steps off because it would be a long speech and I really don't feel like typing a lot*


    Edit: I'm ashamed to say that I used to be obsessed. Like, over the top obessed. Like, "I want an Edward" obsessed. But then I saw how the people here were "bashing" it and then I saw that they were right, and I thought the series was still okay until BD. Then I just lost respect for Stephenie Meyer. I WAS going to read The Host, but I wouldn't touch her work with a ten-foot pole.

    Second Edit: Also, this might interest you-

    People think they're wasting their time with the petition and that it's stupid to write one, but they're really asking for an apology from Stephenie Meyer because she insulted the fans, the petition isn't only against the book. And you can say that it's "just a book" but so many of you don't feel that way, and the people who created and signed the petition didn't feel that way before BD. So. There.

    Third Edit: I will, however, admit that the ideas Meyer had were good ones. With the werewolves (or are they shapeshifters?) and Volturi and vegetarian vampires. They really were good ideas. And maybe I wouldn't hate it if BD wasn't as messed up as it turned out to be. All in all, if the series was written by a different author, it would be much better. I don't know how much more Failtastic you can get than Stephenie Meyer. Even children's books are much more well written.

    I love how I said I didn't want to type a lot, but I keep coming back to this XD Oh, well.

  17. I have answered many, many questions detailing my ever growing hate for that series . . . so no, I am not obsessed with it!

    Edit: I will have to say . . . at one point I enjoyed the series. I always knew that the writing sucked, and there was never anything special about Edward, but it was a guilty pleasure of mine. Now it is not. It is pure fail.

  18. *waves hand in the air*

    ME!  Rubbish plot, rubbish writing, the protagonist is flat and boring, and the books are... c**p.  :)

  19. i wasnt drawn to twilight when i read also but i kept reading the whole series...eclipse was the one that made me addicted to twilight as a whole. not obsessed just a regular non crazy fan. but once i read breaking dawn lets just say i think of the series as a trilogy

    and i hate when the fan girls are like

    mrs. edward culled etc etc

    hes a fictional character for pete sake

  20. Me!

  21. meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. i can't say i've given it a fair chance b/c i hv only read the first chapter. but i was not entertained.

    i am so sick of people being totally obsessed with it. glad to hear i am not alone. geez ppl. i can say i have no interest in those books whatsoever.

  22. I haven't read it yet,but I sorta doubt even if I did that I'd be obsessed with it.sure,its probably a really good book,but they never have it at the library so I have never read it and don't feel like reserving it.

    And I can't believe some girls are so obsessed with it that they even turn down guys who ask them out because they "don't look like edward cullen". Can you believe that??

  23. Well, you should read the rest of the series, finish the four book and see if you're not obsessed then.

    I am not obsessed, but I did really enjoy the series. Probably since I loved stories about vampires long before these were ever published.

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