
Who is Obama, I need a lot more info, school, childhood, background check?

by  |  earlier

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We really don't know much about the man, I just would like to know a whole lot more.




  1. Well, One. He is a GREAT presidential hopeful.

    Now that you know I'm sorta bias, I'll do my best not to be...

    He was born in Hawaii and raised by his mom in Hawaii. His dad is from Kenya and his mom is from \Kansas. He didn't come from a very rich background, and did do brief drugs. His mother died of cancer. He wrote a great book, Dreams From My Father, where he talks about his past a little. He attend Harvard College, and was president of the Harvard's Law Review. He was elected for state senate in 1996. He is now the frontrunner of the Dem. Primary Presidental Election. :-P


  3. WIKIPEDIA, or google it

  4. a dude

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