
Who is Obama.........?

by Guest57141  |  earlier

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Iis from Deutschland and Obama is a lot famous here and in all of Europa. I no he is from Amerika. Was meint er tun?




  1. a city in Japan.  

  2. a junior senator from My home state of Illinois.

  3. He is just a man, who is being loved by media. He has no experience to be president. Of Course Europeans would love Obama, because he will make America weaker.

  4. he is running for President of the United States and if he wins he will be the first ever African American to be President  

  5. Unfortunately no one knows. That answer is the best kept secret of the Democratic Party.

    McCain/Palin '08

  6. Hes a democrat running for president.

    Heres a pic

  7. Barak Obama is the Democratic Presidential Candidate.  He is the first African American to run for president of the United States.

  8. das neger who runs for amerika fuher

    jk im black

    edit: wow thumbs down I said I was black jeeeez

  9. Obama has ties to known terrorists and connections to racist preachers for the past 20+ years.  Obama has a radical islamic extremist upbringing.  Obama doesn't salute or pledge allegiance to the flag.  Is that good enough?  

  10. We in America are wondering the same thing.

  11. He's running for President in the USA.  

  12. Er ist der Amerikan Democrate Präsidentschaftskandidat

  13. He's the next David Hasselhoff!!!!

  14. He is the next president of the United States.

  15. The Anti-christ

  16. he is the black one that is running for president.

  17. Like all presidents before him, Hes another Reagan wanna be...... next!!!

  18. He is the douchbag running for president of the USA.

  19. A human chameleon.  That's the "change" he talks about.

  20. he is Americas next president;;;;

  21. Er ist der Amerikan Democrate Präsidentschaftskandidat aber er ist nicht so gut.  Er möchte nichts dann, Amerika zu ruinieren.

    Ich wohnte in Deutschland für 5 Jahre und ich verfehle es sehr viel, aber ich liebe mein Land und möchte nicht sehen, dass es zu etwas machen, das unsere Vorderväter so stark kämpften, um zu verhindern.

  22. He is a black male running for President, in the Democratic party.
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