
Who is Rod Parsley and why is he such a strong supporter of McCain.?

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Who is Rod Parsley and why is he such a strong supporter of McCain.?




  1. His massues.

  2. Anyone who supports John McCain is afraid of black people sleeping in the White House.

  3. Rod Parsley is an eerie, sinister, evil man. Very charismatic, which is how he got his following. Stay away.

  4. Jeez...who cares who supports who??

    Farrakhan, Marion Barry and the Black Panthers support Obama, same thing

  5. Sage, rosemary, and popped in my head.  couldn't resist.

  6. Simply because someone endorse you that does not mean that you share the same opinions, if it did people would get well known crazy people to endorse their opponents.  

  7. Rod Parsley is a minister, and he is also a very big pro-life advocate which is why Parsley supports McCain.

  8. He is a preacher. You could have googled that and saved 5 points.

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