
Who is Salome? Was there any famous female with this name?

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I think this song is about her




  1. Well theres Salome, who danced for King Herod and got John the babtist's head on a platter as a reward (her mum was behind it) and theres Salome who was Jesus' aunty, her man was Zebedee and her boys were James and John and she was Mary's sister. In Hebrew, Salome means 'peace'.

  2. I remember Salome as being the daughter of the king who asked for the head of John the Baptist as a gift, but that's all I can remember - sorry!

    Oscar Wilde wrote something titled Salome too.

  3. In the bible right Herrod fancys his brothers wife and so kill him ahhhh then he marry her but he also like daughter-One Salome-Now this where it get a bit indecent.Bible full of it really.But he say Girl you dance for me.And you get what yo want.So after a little thought she say I know Bring me the head of John the Baptist!Who was causing a bit of a hoo-ha down in the dungeon.Why ?well John seen fit to give her the cold shoulder and various threats to Herrod too-h**l fire etc.So Herrod was in a quandry as it was all a bit politic.Talk of Martys etc.Any way man weak.Woman sneaky end of...Oscar Wilde wrote an atrocious piece of rubbish called Salome...

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