
Who is Socrates?

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Who on earth is Socrates. Is he a nerdy guy who talks about wierd filosofee thingees, cause Hes old




  1. a Greek philosopher who founded western philosophy.

  2. lol thats funny. but idk really.

  3. An Ancient Greek philosopher. He used to hang around in the Agora (market place) of Athens, mischeiviously debating with people. He would cause people to contradict themselves by posing certain questions, to show their ignorance, thus proving his point. He never wrote any of his 'material' down. We know most of what we know about him from his student Plato, who wrote many dialogues which use Socrates as a speaker. However, we cannot tell if the views and arguments which Plato put into his mouth were Socrates' own or Plato's. Reportedly, Socrates was fat and ugly. This caused confusion amongst greeks because they thought beauty inside (eg intellect) was always reflected by beauty on the exterior.

    He was ordered to either leave Athens or to take hemlock, and so as not to be hypocritical, after teaching that once one has reached the age of adulthood, one should decide under which city's rules he shall live under, and follow those rules because one has agreed to them and is of sound mind to do so, he chose to take the hemlock, in the company of his friends.

  4. hes like a greek philosipher... who invented or introduced somethin important

  5. socrates is dead dumbass

    Sócrates is a former brazillian fooballer

  6. He is A. A Greek Philosopher

    B, A Brazilian International Footballer from the 1980's

  7. LOL

  8. i think he's a philosopher, i think he's the one who stood up against the government and got in jail and when his students came to freen him he refused to go with them because he said he always have to follow the rules, and that he's not a hypocrite, he shouldn't teach his students about always being under the law and then escape from jail

  9. You're right. He was one of the first great Greek philosophers and the teacher to Plato. He defied the social structure at the time and was trialed for blasphemy and leading youth astray. He was found guilty and died by drinking hemlock. He had a weird idea of the 'perfect' ruler and defined him simply as someone who 'knows how to rule' thus threatening the rulers of Greece at the time.

  10. a greek philosopher.. my teacher droned about him in class friday

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