
Who is St. Joe's dad and what was his job. i can't find the answer anywhere. please help.?

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Who is St. Joe's dad and what was his job. i can't find the answer anywhere. please help.?




  1. According to Matt 1:16, St. Joseph's father was Jacob, son of Matthan.

  2. Joseph "of the House of David"  also known as Saint Joseph, Joseph the Betrothed, Joseph of Nazareth, Joseph the Worker and other titles is known from the New Testament as the husband of Mary and although according to most Christian traditions he was not the biological father of Jesus of Nazareth, he acted as his foster-father and as head of the Holy Family. Joseph is venerated as a saint within the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches.

         The genealogy in Matthew  shows that Joseph's own father was called Jacob; but according to the genealogy in Luke, Joseph was a son of Heli.

         In Biblical times, the use of the term 'son' was often used in the sense of a 'descendant' or a head of a household's relative living under the same roof. Thus calling Jesus the 'son of Joseph' could be interpreted to mean Jesus was a member of Joseph's household without being a biological son.

         The confusion about Joseph's father is due to the concept of Levirate marriage, which  is a type of marriage in which a woman marries one of her husband's brothers after her husband's death, if there were no children, in order to continue the line of the dead husband. In Judaism, levirate marriage, known as "yibbum", is a marital union mandated by the Torah in Deuteronomy 25:5-10, obliging a brother to marry the widow of his childless deceased brother.

          Christian tradition identifies a woman named Estha as the grandmother of Joseph. She married Mathan, a descendant of David through Solomon, and by him became the mother of Jacob.

    However after Mathan died, she remarried and by her second husband Mathat, a descendant of David through Nathan, became the mother of Heli. Therefore, Jacob and Heli are half-brothers who have the same mother.

    Heli married, but died without children. So his widow undertook the ancient custom of a levirate marriage, and married the brother Jacob to give her children in Heli's name. She birthed Joseph. Therefore, Joseph is both the biological son of Jacob (from Solomon) and the legal son of Heli (from Nathan). While being the legal son of Heli, Joseph and his mother remained in the household of Jacob, according to custom, and Joseph legally inherited from Jacob.

         All that is known about the date and place of Joseph's birth,or of his death, .is that Joseph lived at times in Nazareth in Galilee, stayed for a couple of years in Bethlehem in Judea, and for a while was forced into exile in Egypt. While there is no mention of Joseph's age in the canonical Gospels, apocryphal literature, as well as many works of art based thereon, portray Joseph as a widower when he married Mary, with children from an earlier marriage, and Mary herself as a widow during the public ministry and passion of her son.

         Joseph's profession is described in Christian tradition as a worker in wood, or "carpenter", although the modern English words "joiner" or "cabinet-maker" might fit the sense  better. Apocryphal (writings where the authorship is questioned) sources elaborate the terse canonical Gospel accounts (the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)describe Jesus as working side by side with Joseph in Joseph's carpenter shop at Nazareth, and sometimes staying with Joseph while the latter worked.

         A notable fact about Joseph is that not one single word spoken by him is quoted in any of the four canonical Gospel accounts.

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