
Who is Steve Irwin?

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i am doing a speech and i have to make a man named Charles Martel seem better then a man named Steve Irwin. basically the only things i know about steve is that he helped wild animals find homes, he also did good reasurch for the world and found out valuable information on differet kinds of animals. but the only problem is that the information that i am actually looking for has to be things that steve did bad... or things that he messed up on. to make myself (Charles Martel) seem better then him.

any "bad" information on Steve Irwin would be very helpfull.




  1. Yeah i agree, change your topic to Charles Martel and stalin, or Hitler, or pol pot, or Kim Jong Il. much easier.

  2. you can find something bad about ANYONE!

    I'm an aussie and i loved steve irwin so i personally won't speak ill of him but i know of people that have.

    “It comes as no shock at all that Steve Irwin should die provoking a dangerous animal,” PETA’s Dan Mathews tells The Scoop. “He made a career out of antagonizing frightened wild animals, which is a very dangerous message to send to kids.”

    you could use this... i mean you don't have to personally bag him out if you don't want to but you could say "I am better because i don't harrass animals like PETA have said that Steve does... PETA have never once complained about my treatment of animals" lol

    Now this one really got Aussie's up in arms!! Germaine Greer was stated as saying "The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin" HOW RUDE! but yeah, you could use this somehow.

    you don't need to actually bag him out but build yourself up!

    like say "study has shown that after the age of twenty peoples memory starts declining, as i am still under twenty and steve irwin was in his 40's, i obviously have a better memory than steve irwin..." (oh thats assuming you are under twenty!!)

    get some stats about aussies and find our weak point!!

    goodluck with your speech =)

  3. I LOVE STEVE IRWIN!! Don't crucify me!!

    Now, I will probably still get thumbs down but here is some stuff I know.

    He dangled his infant son in front of a crocodile

    He rough-handled animals, some say quite cruelly, for entertainment value. (Ever been to the circus!!)

    Germaine Greer, was his biggest critic, she actually wrote into a paper saying his death was the animal worlds revenge.

  4. What sort of weird project calls for you to look for "things that Steve did bad"?

    If this is some sort of school/college project, to go and deliberately look for 'bad things' in prominent people it shows a pretty warped mind of the educator.

    Look for the good.


  5. He has not done anything bad as such infact he was a really good person.Not only was he kind to wildlife but to people and children as well.

    Did you pick Steve Irwin or did your teacher pick the topic?

  6. mate i dont think steve irwin would have had a bad bone in his body! he was internationally known as being one of the nicest guys on the planet!

    should have tried someone easier like..i dunno...stalin?

  7. go google it !

    its too complicated to tell you if you do not already know one of the most famous wildlife adventurer man around who unfortunately died following his dreams !

  8. Steven Irwin is the guy who's infamous line was "CRIKEY!"

    though I believe sadly missed by all he is also the guy who was killed by a Sting Ray.

    He runs the Australian Zoo, and made fame by taking on crocs.

    Bad? Well there was a time when he had his baby in Michael Jackson stance and held it in front of a crocodile while demonstrating to a group of audience, that made the papers and brought forward some criticism Besides that don't think there's really anything bad about him that's worth mentioning.
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