
Who is Trig Palin's Mother? ?

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Ok. I haven't jumped on any bandwagon's, but does anyone have a credible website that proves Palin was pregnant with Trig - and not covering up for her daughter's pregnancy?




  1. You're not jumping on anyones bandwagon?  you liberal liar.  LMAOOOOOOOOOOO!  You are one h**l of a bandwagon jumper.

    Give me proof that Obama is not a Muslim!!!!!!!

  2. you sound silly

  3. Don't you mean a credible website that proves Palin wasn't pregnant?

    I mean since your looking at it in an open mind and all.

    Or maybe  you lefties would like Palin's daughter to get her hymen checked on national tv? You know adhering so closely to the privacy issues Roe vs. Wade created.

    Women's rights my left nut!

  4. ask Sean Penn, he will know.

  5. Trig is 4 1/2 months old.  Bristol is 5 months pregnant.  CAN YOU DO THE MATH or do you need help?

  6. I think most of us still believe in "innocent until proved guilty" and find rumor-mongering, slander, libel, name-calling, and similar tactics to be contemptible.

    I am glad you are looking for proof, and not jumping on any bandwagons.

    It was contemptible behavior when it was done to President Clinton, the same with President Bush, and it will be just as contemptible with the present group of our representatives.  I hope you speak up against it when you see it.

    That's one reason why I'm a Democrat voting for McCain/Palin.

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