
Who is YOUR favorite enviormentalist?

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mine is george clooney.

i was just wondering.

tell me who it is and why, please:)




  1. my traditional elders...they are my teachers ,we view the earth as mother

  2. Leo DiCaprio! ;]

    That's kinda weird, I can't think of many women that are big on conservation like Al, Leo, and George Clooney are...

  3. Rachel of Silent Spring, one of the first to point out the harmful effects of DDT.  She is amazing.

  4. My 13-year old son and his friends who clean trash out of area streams and rivers.

    Why?  Because they care enough to do what isn't "cool" . . .

  5. dian fossey, the gorilla woman. guts.

  6. George Clooney? Leo DeCaprio?

    Lord, no wonder the right thinks environmentalism is a fad. Read a BOOK people!

    Derrick Jensen, author of Collapse

    Michel Pollan, author of Botany of Desire, Omnivores Dilemma

    Joel Salitin, radical libertarian farmer

    Aldo Leopold, author of Sand County Almanac

    John Muir, one of the original founders of the Sierra Club

  7. oh Theodore Roosevelt is my favorite, ive got his rookie card and signed life size cut out poster. Gets me amped.

  8. George W Bush.  hes actually doing something to reduce consumption of finite resources, instead of getting rich just talking about it.

  9. Al Gore - He won the Nobel Peace Prize

  10. Ted Nuegent. He is a great advocate for preserving your food supply. He's also the biggest advocate of PETA (people eating tasty animals).

  11. Roderick Nash - the Author of " Wilderness and the American Mind"

    Aldo Leopold - Author of " Sand County Almanac"

    Racheal Carson - Author of " Silent Spring"

    David Brower - President of the Sierra Club during the period that it became a political force.

    These are some of the formative books and motivators that brought about the consciousness of our environment to the public.

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