
Who is a better playright: Marlow or Shakespeare?

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Both Marlow an Shakespeare were born 1564. Marlow died in 1593 aged 29.

Now if you compare The Complete Works of Marlow with / to Shakespeare's plays up to 1593, who is better? Who did more?




  1. I love Shakespeare's works. I think Shakespeare is better. Reason? I don't even know this Marlow guy!

  2. Shakespeare is more widely studied and more famous. However, there are many parallels between the two men. It is inevitable that they were friends and probably shared similar ideas and outlooks on life and the world around them. Both of them wrote about topics that are still relevant today and covered the whole spectrum of human characteristics, emotion and life. Marlowe and Shakespeare have many levels of meaning in their plays and depending on the level of study these can be explored. As a teacher I know that I would find it easier to teach Shakespeare texts because the base level of meaning is implicit and easy to understand, it is naturally differentiated through having multi-layers. However, for personal enjoyment and study both Marlowe and Shakespeare are suitable. Marlowe isn't usually studied until A'Level or degree in Britain which contrasts with Shakespeare being taught in primary schools on a basic level.

    I also believe that Shakespeare was a truly excellent poet as well as playwright, this adds something more to his writing and makes it great.

    For people who aren't familiar with Marlowe he wrote 6  famous plays, the one that most people have heard of is Doctor Faustus.

    Both writers were amazing in their own right and to weigh up which is better does depend on the purpose for the judgement being made. I believe they both shaped literature even if Marlowe was more subtle in doing so. We should remember that as contemporaries they will have influenced each other. It is incredibly sad that Marlowe died so young as he could have become as famous as Shakespeare. It is rumoured that he died because of mistaken identity and he was suspected to be Shakespeare. It was a truly fascinating time with truly fascinating writers.

  3. Shakespeare

  4. Shakespeare because his plays are more adaptable!

  5. Some say it is the same man.

  6. Shakespeare definitely gets more attention.  He lived quite a bit longer and was quite prolific.  Marlow died when he was young, and although he didn't leave us as much work as Shakespeare, he had the makings of a great playwright.  His work would most likely challenge Shakespeare's for quality and historical literary significance if he had been able to write more.

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