
Who is a better wrestler John cena OR Shawn michaels?

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I think john cuz hes really hotter and Shawns an old dusty wrestler hes such a dust !!! shawns hair is too long and hes like a chick like us. john has better skills becuz he can be technical, he can be strong, he can brawl, he can be a showman doing the superkick, and he can be a high flyer






  2. ...

  3. I'll go with Shawn michaels

  4. Shawn is not g*y. You are. Shawn Michaels is 10000* a better wrestler than John Cena.

  5. Shawn Michaels has the greater skill.

    John Cena has the greater talk.

  6. wrestling is g*y

  7. dude, its fake..who cares

  8. kurt angle.

  9. I dont give a f*****k whose hotter because I dont roll like that and could literally care less about another dude's looks

    secondly the answer Always Has been HBK always Wil Be HBK and Always Was HBK

    and thirdly are you on crack??? john cena high flyer??? i've never even seen him jump off the turnbuckle

  10. John Cena cannot wrestle to save his life. The only reason he gets the push that he has is because kids love him. HBK is probably the best wrestler of all time and he is a truly talented wrestler. In a straight up match with no bookings, HBK could easily beat Cena. If you had HBK from 1996 when he was at his peak, he would royally own Cena.

  11. Shawn Michaels is the better wrestler..

  12. HBK is so far out of John Cena's league it's untrue!

    to even compare the two is an insult to Shawn Michaels' leagacy!

    Shawn has had some of the top rated, most watched and acclaimed wrestling matches of all time.  Whereas John Cena is a trumped up mid carder who got where he is today by kissing mcmahon a%se!

    Im not saying Cena hasnt got any skills but what he has got pales in comparison to Shawn.

    You should have seen Shawn in his prime back in 95-97 just before stone cold came in and michaels got a bad back injury.  People thought he was superhuman back in the day!

    Hes come back to carry the company but he cant wrestle the way he used to due to his back.  But hes still pretty high flying for someone who was practically crippled just over ten years ago!!!

  13. Shawn Michaels

  14. jhon cena. even if it is fake, same of the moves they pull off, like bourne, are awsome.

  15. Shawn Michaels is my favourite wrestler in the entire world and has been since I was 7. He has the whole package. Charisma, technique, strength - though admitedly  not as much as Cena - , high flying. He has been able to stay with the WWE since 1988 without ever getting boring. Cena gets extremely boring after a while. Theres only so much "YO YO YO" a person can take.


  16. HBK is way better than Brainless Cena

  17. HBK is better than Cena!!

    Watch his matches with The Undertaker,Kurt Angle,Bret Hart,Triple H and yes John Cena.

    In his matches with John Cena he carried the match not Cena.

  18. saying that first 2 lines are going to make people own you so bad. hbk is a all around better wrestler but that's because he has more experience in the business. I think cena can wrestle but now as good as hbk

  19. Its all opinion and you are entitled to yours but it hurts to hear somebody say John Cena is better than Shawn Michaels! Now I am not one of these internet marks who hates Cena, I like the guy and I do enjoy some of his matches. But Shawn is just an amazing wrestler in so many ways and is an innovater as well. He used to be an ego driven a*****e but we are talking about skills and thats in the past.

    Shawn has had so many great, historical matches it can't even compare to Cena. He also is one of the best at pulling great matches out of terrible wrestlers. The man had great matches with Sid Vicious and Kevin Nash, he should win an award for doing the impossible!

    Please before you keep thinking of Michaels as some old dusty wrestler go and watch some of his classic matches. Matches he put everything into and worked technical, strength, brawling, high flying into almost every match. Oh and next to Flair Shawn is one of the best Showman in the buisness.

    He may be getting older and he can't put on amazing matches every night but when its needed he can still bring so much to a match and make it classic. There is a d**n good reason Flair chose Shawn (and NOT HHH) to have his last match with. Because Shawn is one of the best.

    Cena is good but he will NEVER be close to what Shawn Michaels is, NEVER. I know this is all an opinion but c'mon man, go and watch some of HBKs greatest matches and try to tell me he is better than Cena.

    Oh and Cena could NEVER have gone an hour with Bret Hart matching him move for move and making every minute of that match entertaining!

    I know my answer is probably not going to be to your liking since you obviously prefer Cena but I hope that MAYBE you'll check out some of HBKs great matches and there are many to choose from.  

  20. Shawn Michael's is the better wrestler he's been in the ring with many legendary competitors and has had many great rivalries his feud with Razor Ramon in the early 90's helped to innovate the modern day ladder match. He competed in the WWE's first iron man match. Came in to a Royal Rumble as the first entry and won. Cena isn't in HBK's league. This is what is wrong with the wrestling business today all the young people are disrespecting the legends. Shawn is a far greater wrestler than Cena can even think about being. Shawn always puts on an amazing show. Cena is not a technical wrestler. Shawn is more of a technical wrestler than Cena. Of course he's a showman that's why they call him the show stopper. And for a guy his age to be doing moonsaults and even going up to the turnbuckle at all is in incredible feat. Cena's move set is limited to what four, five maybe six moves. HBK is more skilled. Watch some of his classic match ups on you tube and you might look at him in a new light.

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