
Who is a good geometry math explainer????

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I need sum1 to explain these answers for me...they r always sumtimes and never answers....plz explain them..i have a quiz 2moro! its important!

1. Three points lie in exactly one plane. ans: Sumtimes

2. Two intersecting lines lie exactly one plane. ans:Always

3. A line and a point, not on that line lie in more than one plane. ans: never

4. If two points are coplanar, then they are collinear. ans:Always

5. Three points determine a plane. ans: Sometimes

6. Two intersecting lines are coplanar. ans:always

7.For any three points in space, more than one plane can contain them.

could you please xplain these to me? i dont understand these...i tried my hardest to try to understand them..but i don't get it!

Guess wht? my b-day was on sunday!!




  1. 1. Usually this is true, for example, any triangle defines exactly the plane in which it lies. However, if the three points are all on one single line, there are many planes through that line.

    2. They can be thought of as coordinates for this new plane (except skewed).

    3. Take two points on the line. That and the original point form a triangle (see question 1).

    4. Two points are always collinear - they define a line between them.

    5. See question 1.

    6. See question 2. Two lines cannot define more than a plane - a line is dimension 1, so between them, they can only make up 2 dimensions (a plane) at best.

    7. This is the same as question 1.

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