
Who is a good round 5 pick?

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my fantasy football draft is in a few weeks. I know already that i am # 5. Im happy about that postion but now i just need to decided who to pick lol

i know that L.T. and Brian Westbrooke will be gone.

most likely Tom Brady and Adrian Peterson will go before me too.

So then there is me!. i still have plenty of good picks left just which one should i get? is Joseph Addai worth number 5 over all? or should i go with Steven Jackson? Randy Moss? lol

who would be the best pick for my team? who would you pick?




  1. could you join my fantasy football league? : (ID# 272887) password: monroe

  2. I'd be surprised if Brady isn't available for you there...

    What I don't get is everyone saying that Moss wont repeat last years numbers,but go ahead and take Brady...Them2 GO together!!!Their success largely depends on each other.I just don't get that reasoning.

    Remember that BEFORE Moss was a Patriot Brady was a 4th/5th round pick on average.Also avoid Manning,he's injured;atleast enough to not waste a 1st/2nd round pick on.Carson Palmer was last years Tom Brady,and was often gobbled up in the 1st/2nd rounds...And I like him this year,and got him in the 6th round.Print a quick (free) cheat sheet at this web page--

    F.Gore is their 5th ranked RB,and he'd be my pick because SFOs new O'coordinator,Mike Martz,has already stated that he will use every scheme possible to get Gore the ball this year.(Martz is a pretty good offencive schemer.) Your 2nd pick,most likely,ALL the top line RBs will be gonzo.So I'd take a top WR (TO,R.Wayne,B.Edwards)

    In the 3rd round I'd shoot for Jamal Lewis (Helluva value here)

    Round 4 is littered with top WR2 players....(Holt,Marshall,Welker, Chad Johnson,Plaxico)

    5th--You may want to grab C.Palmer

    6th-Grab a topTE

    7th-Get your WR3

    8th-Grab a top def...(SDG,or Minn.)

    9 through end get your kicker,and backup~~~G{}{}d Luck!

  3. Look, if you look at fantasy statistics, in most drafts Brady falls around 5-7th, so I would gobble him up.  If someone takes him, that means one of the top 4 runningbacks will be left, most likely Westbrook or Jackson and you should take whoever it is.  Dont reach for Moss, he is great but he's also not going to match last year's performance and isn't worth a pick that high! You are in a great position, lucky you!

  4. I would go with addai as a safe bet or your could be brave and take manning or moss. I picked 10 in my league and took manning in the first and moss in the second. And was still able to pick up some decents RBs like E  James W.Parker and L Marouney in the mid to late rounds. So good luck with your draft you really cant go wrong with the 5th pick.

  5. Peyton Manning or Addai if either is available. This is the year of the QB. But you aren't going to get a real good starting RB after the 1st round. Ya never know what you are gonna get with  WR. But you have a good position at 5, you are gonna get some best available players at that position and a very goodone in round 2. I'd take Addai and come back with the best available QB in 2. Be thankfull you don't select at #1.

  6. Jackson for sure.

  7. stephen jackson

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