
Who is a leader that Machiavelli (the author of THE PRINCE) would approve of???

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Who is a leader that Machiavelli (the author of THE PRINCE) would approve of???




  1. WHAT?

  2. Putin!

  3. Don't know about royals, but the first person that came to my mind is Sen. Hillary Clinton.  She's an entirely political creature who shifts her opinions, personality traits, alliances, etc with amazing facility to further her ambitions.  Moving to NY, a state she had never lived in before, so she could get a Senate seat is a glaring example.

  4. Vladimir Putin in Russia.

    From the poisoning of dissidents, to the assassination of journalists, to the bankrupting and imprisonment of rivals, and the intimidation of neighboring countries, he is without equal.  His experience as head of the KGB is serving him well.

  5. George Walker Bush

  6. Most likely Mrs Clinton

  7. Bill Gates.

  8. Margaret Thatcher.

  9. I think Hillary Clinton seems a little Machiavellian.  I am not knocking her, exactly.  She is very good at politics.

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