
Who is a monarch that best represents raison d'etat and divine right of kings, and how did this person rule?

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Who is a monarch that best represents raison d'etat and divine right of kings, and how did this person rule?




  1. King Charles 1

    Was sentence to death on reigning without a parliament. A heretic King of England, Who insist absolutism and King's devine right as King is Holy. And such legislation is still the constitution of Norway today,where the King is financially independent.

  2. I have to use my standard response of Queen Elizabeth I of England. She fought long and hard against the misconceptions that a woman could not rule as authoritatively as a man. By the end of her reign, England was the richest country in Europe. There's a reason that era is called The Golden Age and the Elizabethan era.

    I suggest you do some research, either online or in your local library, to learn more.

  3. That is not a question, that is a thesis.  Look up William the Conquoror, Henry Tudor (the 7th not 8th), Louis 14, Otto the Great, or Charlemagne.

  4. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great of Russia. They both tried to modernize Russia during their respective reigns

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