
Who is a more reliable source on global warming?

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Al Gore or 31,000 scientists who think he's way off base. Read this article from




  1. You're asking the wrong question.  The right question would be:

    "Who is a more reliable source on global warming, 619 well-known prestigious Climate Scientists from all over the world, or a list of 31,000 names (very few with any climate science research experience) created using documented deceptive practices?"

    Here's my list:

    Here it is again in another format:

    My list of 619 real Climate Scientists have probably published 100-times as many scientific journal articles in the field than your list of 31,000 "scientists".

  2. I did the same thing as the poster above me.  I could find nothing about any of these people.

    These are 31,000 "scientists" who have supposedly signed over a 10-year period.  Only 10,000 are PHDs. How many are still skeptics.  And how many have done study in the field

    And who, btw, is projectpetition anyhow.  This whole thing is a farse and it shows the lack of thinking and lack of reading on the part of the few remaining people who think both President Bush and VP Gore are wrong.  There is no debate; the evidence is in.  People are causing the earth's atmosphere's average temperature to increase.

  3. Neither.  Al Gore isn't a scientist, and the "Oregon Petition" is a very dubious document.  Simply a list of names, with no good documentation.

    If you want credible, try the National Academy of Sciences.  1800 of the USA's very best scientists, elected by their peers.  Getting elected to the Academy is like winning an Oscar in science.

    They have issued an official statement detailing why global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

  4. Well, Al Gore did make a documentary which has been shown to be more science fiction than documentary. He has also invested in companies to maximize on his crusade (those carbon credits he buys are from a company he is heavily invested in). He has made millions of dollars promoting this lie, so I guess he is smarted. It is the rest of us that buy his c**p that are the fools.

  5. I picked two names at random from the list:

    Gertrude D. Armbruster  Ph.D.

    James K Applegate  Ph.D.

    Both had h-indeces of zero.  

    If you don't know what that means, you should find out.  

    One name I recognize from the list, who was a very well-respected aeronautical engineer, Holt Ashley, died in 2006.  I went to a conference in his honor in the mid-90's and there was no mention of his being a climate skeptic (and the subject did come up).  It would be interesting to know when his name was added.

    Also, there are a lot of entries that read like this:  

    "Professor Moseley"

  6. Too bad people do not get the point of the petition.  They say that skeptics are the same as flat earthers.  But this petition reveals to the world that an extraordinary number of scientists hold views on global warming diametrically opposite to those they are expected to hold. Instead, the press focussed on presumed flaws that critics found in the petition. Some claimed the petition was riddled with duplicate names. They were no duplicates, just different scientists with the same name. Some claimed the petition had phonies. There was only one phony: Spice Girl Geri Halliwell, planted by a Greenpeace organization to discredit the petition and soon removed. Other names that seemed to be phony - such as Michael Fox, the actor, and Perry Mason, the fictional lawyer in a TV series were actually bona fide scientists, properly credentialled.

    Bob mentions the academy of science.  But The late Professor Frederick Seitz, the past president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and winner of the National Medal of Science, wrote in a letter promoting the petition, "The United States is very close to adopting an international agreement that would ration the use of energy and of technologies that depend upon coal, oil, and natural gas and some other organic compounds."

  7. Al Gore of course he is the smartest guy out there next to Michael Moore.  

    Looks like Al Gore needs to verify his information with accurate sources.

  8. Honestly - I hate to say it, but Al Gore.

    Neither has much educational background in climate science, but clearly Al Gore has spent a lot of time learning about the subject.

    I can't say the same about the random people who signed the Oregon Petition.  I don't really care what some dude who got a BS in psychology 40 years ago thinks about global warming.

    Of course, I'll take the opinions of climate scientists over either of them when it comes to climate science.  Since Gore agrees with the climate scientists, I'll take Gore.

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