
Who is a native american?

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Who is a native american?




  1. Boooorrrrrrn in the USA. That makes me a native American. (I am also part Cherokee - a little part - but a part)

  2. Tribe Check?


    Federally recognized, Pedigree even.

    Miwok, Maidu, Achumawi

    Prefer the term INDIAN myself, sounds closer to INDEGENOUS

  3. I am a full blood Mohawk although my home rez (reservation) straddles Ontario,Quebec and NY. So I am Native.

    May I ask why you posted this in horse racing?

  4. someone born in the US - have you been kicked in the head by a horse or just a little slow

  5. Why is this in horse racing?

  6. Being born here makes you naturalized.  'Native' means 'originally' - as in a race.

    In fact, Native American really is a misnomer when referring to Indians because America probably wasn't their name for this land.  But that's beside the point.

    Indigenous species are what 'Native' refers to.  Cherokee, Piscataway (of which I am a little bit), Navajo, etc.

  7. I am.  I was born here, that makes me native.

  8. I am part native husband is half cherokee  

    so i consider myself native american....meaning (to me) that I have ancestors that were native born to the American continent and not originating in Europe or elsewhere

  9. I am.  My great grand mother on my mothers side was full blooded Cherokee Indian.  I also have more Cherokee on my fathers side of the family.

  10. The definition that is usually given for this is "any person having ancestry in any of the original indigenous peoples of the North American continent." This includes ALL of the Native American tribes, and there were many of them. It also includes those persons who have some Native genes but are not pure Native. Why is your question in the horse racing category?

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