
Who is a player you wish you had back on your team?

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Man I wish we still had Pedro... he's the man even though he gets injured a lot.




  1. i always liked Jay Payton when he was on the mets so i guess i would like to see jay payton back on the mets

  2. Greg Maddux is basically the only one I can think of, especially if he could replace Marquis.

    I would say Nomar but Theriot stays healthy and is actually really good and I think he isn;t talked about enough.

    I would also say Juan Pierre, but we have a killer outfield with Soriano, Fukudome, and the two-headed monster of Johnson and Edmonds.

  3. Being a White Sox fan i wish the sox still had Chris Young.  They traded him to get Javiar Vazquez.  And he isn't that great

  4. El Duque when he was at his best.  Also Alfonso Soriano.

  5. We have Pedro and even with his injuries, I love the guy.

    People I really miss. Xavier Nady. Still going strong for the cross town rivals! :(

  6. Pedro will ALWAYS be my second favorite player (after Varitek). I definitely would love to see him back on the mound in Boston.

    I would say nomar, but he's wayyyyy too fragile. I'll just enjoy watching him with the Dodgers, when he's healthy...

  7. Lets see - Damon, Beltran, Dye - I'd take any of those 3 back in a Royals uniform tomorrow.

  8. okay we are talking RANGER's here so the list is long:

    Adrian Gonzalez & Chris Young (Padres)

    Ryan Ludwick (Cardinals)

    Carlos Pena (Rays)

    Edinson Volquez (Reds)

    Soriano & DeRosa (Cubs)

    above all of these however is Pudge Rodriguez--I wanna see him retire as a Ranger.

    Notice I didn't mention that I would want A-Fraud back

  9. Francisco cordero

  10. francisco liriano and joe nathan. the rotation would look insanely good with the 3 headed monster of lincecum, cain, liriano. all power pitching with strikeouts galore. the bullpen with wilson and nathan would be solid as well, 2 all star caliber pitchers.

  11. As a Yankee fan....

    Alfonso Soriano

    Mike Lowell

    Carlos Pena

    El Duque

    Jeff Karstens

  12. Mike Mussina

  13. i have a long list because of our stupid general manager who cant make a good trade

    shawn green

    carlos quentin

    luis gonzales

    troy glaus

    Mark grace (do retired people count?)

    micah owings: a personal favorite

    steve finley

    hey at least we have tony clark back!

  14. i wish we still had the old Los Angeles Lakers Team with:



  15. Hanley Ramirez our shortstop problem would be gone !!  

  16. As an Angels fan we haven't really lost anyone that we haven't replaced with a better or same talent player but a good 2 I could think of are David Eckstein and Orlando Cabrera... Although the Angels don't seem to have many problems in the middle of the infield or anywhere on the field for that matter

  17. im an o;s fan so id have to say mussina because tejeda was a bum

  18. Carlos Quentin.  We got rid of him so Eric Byrnes could play left field- Byrnes has been injured most of the year and was only hitting .209 when he was playing, while Quentin leads the league in home runs.  Terrible.

  19. Being a Yankees fan, Soriano would help know, especially since he plays the outfield.  

  20. Aaron Rowand and Jon Garland. More of Rowand, the White Sox's center field is a mess.

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