
Who is a real mermaid? wat power did u get?? wat happens when us mermaids look at the full moon?

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plz plz plz dont be rude!! and i want real mermaids answering this question




  1. Guest10865
    Hey,I went on this website (But not the 1 that you are on now) and I found a spell on how to turn in2 a mermaid and I am getting some of the side affects,the 1's that I am starting 2 get are:
    •Itchy legs
    •Tummy ache
    •Back ache
    •Feeling sick
    •Legs sticking 2gether
    •Mermaid dream (1 so far)
    I think I am actually going to turn into a mermaid.When I got that 1 mermaid dream I had a power (It was freezing water) and I think freezing water will be my mermaid power.Like Emma in H2O:Just add water.And that was the mermaid power I wanted.But I also wanted Cleo's power in H2O:Just add water.(Her power is 2 control water.And mould it in2 water balls.I do hope I get my gold and light brown tail with the powers I want/need.

  2.  How do you get mermaid powers without your parents knowing


  3.  I'm not a mermaid but I have the power of heating and my friend has the power of wind thanks so much for the tips wind dudes.!😎

  4.  i really want to become a mermaid but im scared that the spell will back fire.

  5. well not for sure there is such thing but u just never know.

    or do you??


  6. hey this may nto help but i am mermaid but only me and my friend can see our tails and i have the power of fire and the first thing is that you can boil water second thing is you can make fire and third thing well it is not really a power but you go all emo and wake up in strange places and not know what is happening and before you go all emo you end up turning red and if somebody trys to touch you they get burned but if you use your water powers if you have some you can cool me down and i go back to normal my friend has had a few expeiriences with me going emo and did i mention that the power the most dangerous of them all

  7. i'm trying to be one but i cant

  8. i am a real MERMAID and im 10 years old! I have the power to control water and its temperature! i can also mold water at its will. i have never seen the full moon before. im soooooooo scared to look at it. im afraid somthing bad will happen. i also have a bracelet that i have worn since birth. the stone on it is somthing from the land people called..........amethest..... i think. mermaids can only take off there bracelet or neclace for 2 hours at a time. if you dont sound like me you are not a real mermaid!!!!!!!!

  9. i got cleo,s powers and if you look at the full moon you will water and something will happen that you will reget

  10. also for my powers i have to be outside for them to work but still i love my powers

  11. i have powers because i did that inclemincy spell. i can make wind and calm wind to make the wind u need to hold out ur hand like cleo in h2o and u have to mean it to mean it u have to feel the anger.
    To calm the wing u need to calm ur self down like breathing slowly and while ur doing that u have to move ur hand up and down u start ur hand where ur lip is and down to ur chin and carry on untill u r calm and the wing is calm.
    also can any one tell me y i dont have a tail its been over 1 year since i did that spell and  i also dont that spell a month a go today.
    i am also nervouse about the full moon tonight and it rises at 1:37 am and i dont no when the moon goes down

  12. i have powers i can really make wind and calm the wind to make the wind u need to meant it and put ur hand out like cleo in h2o and to calme the wing uve gotta carlm ur self dow and move your hand up and dow same time as ur breating and the hand gos up to ur mouth and gos down to ur shin but i dont have a tail and i done that inclemincy spell and plus im really nervouse its the full moon tonight and it dosnt rise untill 1:37 am where i am and can some ome one tell me y i dont have the tail and y im so nervouse about the full moon

  13. I have tried and tried again to move water like cleo on H2O, but I have the power of fire instead. Does anyone know how to change power or have more of them?????????????????

  14. im a mermid and i do not lie ive only lied to my friend saying im geting a touch screen phone at the age of 10 but im not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I am becoming one too!!!!!!!!!!

  16. ok h2o is like my fav film and there real mermaids ok if u want become a mermaid u can ware something real speacial like in like a bracelet or a necklace look at the full moon and make your  own spell up say it 10 times

  17. hey im not a mermaid but i know that if your a mermaid can u please give me tips i really want to be a mermaid

  18. hi if u want to be a mermaid all u do is 1 look at the full moon wet 2 turn lights off and 3say this 10 times witches one and wiches all give this power to me . if u dont belive in mermaids your a louser

  19. heaven turner. anything. nothing

  20. hi. i love h20 just add watrer

  21. none of you are being seriouse there is no such thing as mermaids its a mithical creature who lives deep in the depths of the ocean.... its not real...

  22. Yes Iam a mermaid and so is my friend she has the power of freezing and i have the power of freezing we dont have tails yet they will fully develope in 2 weeks our powers havent completely developed but we have them. If you look at the full moon you go crazy its happened to me before we became mermaidsby using this spell:Insouciat inclemency Redoutable mediocracy Refutable humanity Make Me what I wish to be A mermaid Wiches one and witches all Give this power to me. Say the spell 10 times while wearing something special to you on your upper body you have to be touching water to do the the spell. You cant take off the special thing for more than 2 hrs at a time or you lose your powers forever and your tail. and yes there are side affects:Legs changing color/gettingitchy,tingly or achey
    difficulty breathing
    coughing fits when in water
    being able to breathe in water/hold breathe longer
    random anger
    scales appearing on your skin
    gills appearing on your omyour neck or armpits
    legs sticking togeteror wanting to
    legs crossing by themselves
    constant thirst even after drinking a lot
    wanting to touch or be near water
    well that's all folks

    and im admitting that were mermaids because i think humans and mermaids could get along well if they really tried and well we're trying!

  23. Mermaid are magical fish people>.<

    Sometimes mermaids do evil things.

    mermaids scare me with there scary sharp visous teeth..

  24. i am not a mermaid...but i have the power to control the wind, heat water and  other things and thats about it but the spell i used was this..." I CALL THE POWERS OF THE EART GIVE ME WHAT I DESIRE I CALL THE POWERS OF THE EARTH GIVE ME _____" in the ____ just put any power that you want...and there are no side affects it should work within a day and you can look at a full moon nothing will happen...all i can say now is GOOD LUCK!

  25. my power is to controll weather heat and freeze water

  26. I'm a mermaid, ive got power of freezing :]  

    if you dont believe me, just dont reply

    if you dont believe in mermaids, why the h**l are you reading this topic?


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