
Who is a reputable chiropractor in the Western suburbs of Chicago?

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Please provide any helpful details, like what they did for you, and how much the service cost. Also, if you have an "avoid at all costs", please let me know which chiropractors to avoid.




  1. Why go to a chiropractor when there are many better alternatives? First, I would try some simple back stretching, It has done wonders for me & its free.

    Second I would ask your primary care physician and get referred to a physical therapist or an orthopedist.

    If you still feel that you must go. Please read the below information about chiropractors first.

    Pro's and Con's of Chiropractors


    They can relieve stress on spinal nerves caused by things like muscle tension or a slight misalignment of the discs and can be helpful in musculo-skeletal aches and pains, through manipulation and massage, and relief on back pain from the misalignment temporarily.

    They can help with many different aches & pains all over the body.

    Could be last resort when no one else can help..

    Most charge much less then a real doctor.


    Not FDA approved

    Does not have a medical degree.

    Can not prescribe prescriptions.

    Nothing they do is going to be a permanent fix.

    They are pretty much shut out by the medical world and have not contributed anything in the medical field

    Can end up costing you a lot more then a real doctor over the long run.

    A lot of them promise they can change the natural shape or curvature of a spine, when its simply not true. Only an orthopedist can evaluate the situation and determine if a scoliosis is actually present, and if a brace would be of help. To change a spine takes surgery and braces.

    Chiropractors work on your back to eliminate your "subluxations", which they can't prove exist, and in some studies where they show a back x-ray to multiple chiropractors, they all diagnose subluxations, but of course no two ever seem to diagnose them in the same place on the x-ray. Fixing subluxations is supposed to "help the body keep itself healthy". It's also preventative, once a month, to rub a rabbits foot for good luck.

    My Conclusion

    Always check with your primary care physician before getting any medical help. Try stretching first. There are several back exercise you can easily find on the net, which have really helped me. A Physical therapist or an orthopedist are both better alternatives. Be very cautious when going to the chiropractor and never let them take X-Ray's and never get preventative care. They are only good for relief of aches and pains for a short period of time and it's not guaranteed. You do not need to see him regularly, only when you have pain. Always be firm and never let them push you around and take more money from you. If you let them walk over you, it could end up costing you a pretty penny.

    Although it has existed for nearly 100 years, the chiropractic health-care system has failed to meet the most fundamental standards applied to medical practices: to clearly define itself and to establish a science-based scope of practice. More disturbing is the fact that chiropractic has made no contribution to the worldwide body of knowledge shared by the health sciences and continues to isolate itself from the mainstream of the health-care community. If you have a problem in need of health care, seek a qualified professional, usually starting with your MD. Above all, keep a skeptical attitude toward all claims that seem too good to be true. They usually are!

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