
Who is adopted and how long have you known about it?

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I'm adopted and i want to know about other people that are adopted?




  1. My 4 siblings and I are all adopted by the same couple. I was in foster care from 4-13 so I've know since I was adopted. I still have contact with my mother but...the whole father situation is a complicated and twisted one...LOL! I also still have contact with a lot of my birthfamily.

  2. i am adopted,i was 5 or 6 when my parent's told me. i  met my birth parents 8 years ago.they are nice enough,but i am glad i am with my adoptive family.

  3. I am, and so is my brother, and we have known our whole lives. :-)

  4. Both I and my brother were adopted. I was local but my brother came from Japan. My parents were very open about the fact that i was adopted and I am so happy they told me. I would be very upset if i had to learn the hard way.

  5. I was adopted when I was a few months old and I've known for as long as I can remember.

  6. I found out that I was adopted when I was eight.  I found out the hard way--I was snooping in my parents room and found my adoption certificate.  From that day on, I remembered my birth name which made it easier to find any relatives if I decided to look.

    Growing up I decided that I NEVER wanted to know who my parents were, because the ones I had were the only ones that I knew.  But as I got older, and my mother had kids of her own, I was the black sheep and constantly was spoiled.  I was being bought out by my parents.

    When I turned 18, I started searching.  But gave up when my search turned out to dead ends.  But within this last year (and it has been almost 20 years), a gentleman that I was referred to, found them in 3 days.  

    It has been great that I was able to locate them.  It answered alot of questions that I have had, and the need to know medical questions.  As I don't have a relationship with my birth mother, I do have a great one with my uncle.

    For people who don't want to find out who their birth parents/family are, it is always good to know about the medical issues.

    Here in Ontario, Canada, there is a law that has passed and will be able to give adoptees the information on their birth certificates.  What ever was placed on the birth certificate and adoption order, you will have the names of parents and medical records.  That should make for a lot of unexpected reunions.

  7. I was adopted... i dont know HOW LONG i've known but i remember knowing when i was like 2 or 3 yrs. old so i have probablly known ever since i was able to understand english...

  8. l'm 27, and l was adopted at 14 months old.  l've always known l was adopted, l got told my adoption story just like other kids got told thier birth stories, and l always had 2 birthdays!  My siblings are all adopted too, so it's cool, we all got 2 b'days!  We each had a day for when we came into the world, and a day for when we came into the family-they're both equally important.  So far, myself and 1 of my brothers knows our bio 'parents', but they sought us out, we never bothered looking for them.  My bio parents and his are cool though, we sort of have friendships with them, but not really a relationship.  Anyway, l never really felt any thing about being adopted, it was what it was.  l do know we're all lucky for having great parents though!

  9. My bro and I were both adopted.  I was born in California and flew to NY with my adoptive parents when I was two days old.  My birth mother had another baby before me and could not keep me.  My bro was born in NY.  His birth mother was very young, and the birth grandparents knew my mom, and asked if she was interested in another child.  We brought my bro home when he was 5 days old.  We've both known all our lives, but neither one of us has had contact with our birth parents (I'm 23 and he's 17).  I had a friend in college who was adopted from India, who, unlike many kids from the U.S., will never be able to locate his birth mother.  I would hate to have that choice taken from me.  I love my adoptive parents, though; they've given me opportunities that most kids don't have.

  10. I adopted 2 children and they were 4 & 5 at the time and they were involoved with the adoption and choosing their own middle names.  They have always known about their biological parents.

  11. my sister n law is adopted and shes 39 she was told when she was 18 just because her real dad passed but she knows where her real parents are and they know where she is.  she took the first step but they have not responded and she doesn't care.  she has a wonderful mother, three beautiful kids and a loving husband & family her responce to this ? is what more do i need i have every thing a person can dream of and if they want tofind me then they know where i am at. she loves her adopted family all is good

  12. I was adopted as an infant and I have known about it for most of my life. My mother always said to look at it like this. Any one can have a child, but you were chosen.., so that makes you special.

  13. I am and I came over to the US when I was 22 months old so I dont remember anything about Russia but I've always know it (that I was adopted)and its not something I am ashamed of at all I am VERY happy to know about my family history and very fourtunate to have been given a second chance at life I guess you could say.  I'd say ever since I was about 3 I had know that I was adopted.

  14. my sister and i are both adopted (my mom had to have her uterus removed so she couldnt concive) and we both have known our whole lives, of course it didnt mean anything to us until we were old enough to understand it  and it still doesnt bother us, we have seperate birth parents, but as for me and mine, i dont need to find them because im content with the parents i have

  15. My father was adopted and found out 45 years ago.  He did not care to know anything about his biological father then and doesn't care now.

  16. I am adopted and have known for as long as I can remember.  I have reunited with my birth mother.

  17. I'm almost 22 and I was a foster child from the age of 5 weeks to shortly before my 5th birthday. My foster family adopted me at that time, so I've always known. I had contact with my birthmom for a short time, but now I don't speak to her. I just don't want to. I found my biological half brother on MySpace a few months ago, and he doesn't care to know me, although I really want to know him. I do have a pleasant relationship with two uncles, though. My adoptive parents were good to me, and my adoptive siblings are too. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  18. I'm adopted. I'm 15, and i was adopted when i was 11. so i know about it. obviously.

  19. I am adopted and my parents told me as soon as I was old enough to start asking questions about babies being in tummies. I was about 5 years old.

  20. I am adopted, but I have always known about it.  I don't remember ever thinking I wasn't adopted lol.

  21. my neice was adopted from birth ,  she 22 , have a wonderful life with her parents , she now marriad live on a farm , she has no interest in meeting her birth mother,  she a very happy loving girl , her parents told her about 6  she was a special girl , choose with love , that lead to telling her she was adopted


  22. my husband is adopted and he found out around 10 and he doesn't care about finding his true parents his he says that his parents are the ones he grew up with.

    Good Luck to you.

  23. I am adopted. I have known all my life. I remember being very very young... just started walking and talking, and telling my neighbor (Chris) that I was special and he was not. All to get him to chase me because I knew that would get to him. lol My folks were really really great at that. It was not a shock, or anything. It couldn't have been. I have never been sad about it or can't ever remember the MOMENT I knew. It wasn't traumatizing for me. I have cool parents!

  24. Both my brother and I are adopted and we have both known since we were able to understand the concept

  25. i am i was adopted at 7 and have know from that age on.i have the most awsome mom and dad, i do not know the woman and man who donated there sperm cells but i do know about them and there lives and that god blessed me by removing me from parents have always said if i want to meet them i can but i choose not to bc the only parents i need to know are the ones who loved me unconditionally!!!!

  26. hi i was adopted and have now found my biological families (i say that my bio mum and dad were teenagers and obviously went their separate ways and didn't talk I've found both my dads family and my mums)its all worked out and although there was allot of pain about the situation when i was younger (I've known all my life)i can honestly say i wouldn't have it any other way right now

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