
Who is against what happened in Kosovo

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Im a serb and am like furious(nice word for the other one) against the things NATO did to Kosovo. Whos with me???




  1. What did NATO do to Kosovo? If you are looking for support for Milošević, you're barking up the wrong tree.

  2. Oh, I am so against the things that happened in Kosovo.

    I am so against Rachak Massacre,

    I am so against massacre of 10,000 civilians,

    I am so against Serbia not returning 3,000 bodies to Kosovo families.

    NATO did not do anything to Kosovo. It was targeting paramilitary positions only. Many times satellites had recorded that after NATO air raids MIG planes would attack Kosovo villages and blame NATO for it.

    NATO made Milloshevich stop at 10,000 killed Kosovars. Otherwise, Serbs had killed more than 250,000 Catholics and Muslims in Croatia and Bosnia, they would probably challenge their own world record of killing the most people since HOLOCAUST.

  3. Fighting that has gone on for over 1,000 years.

    A religious war, that is not ending soon.

    Should we have gone in? No I dont think so.

    However both sides there were guilty of killing.

  4. Well I'm a US army veteran who was deployed to Kosovo in 2002, and I'm furious about the things the Serbian military did to Kosovo.  Seriously, alot of the countryside still looked the ruined warzone it was three years after the fact.

    I know you are going to come back and probably say that it is all NATO's fault, but I talked to enough Albanians to know that isn't the case. Most striking was one Albanian who explained how his home was destroyed (we were camped out at his burnt wreckage of a house) and he was paraded naked down the street by Serbian troops.

    I don't think you have a right to be outraged about Kosovo, because like it or not, it was because of the leaders you elected back then that forced NATO to intervene in the region.

    And another thing, if NATO actually did anything bad to Kosovo, why do the Albanian Kosovars love NATO troops? Seriously, they want us to stay there as long as we want and are so friendly they are sometimes a nuisance when we had to conduct operations.

  5. no one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. Foreigners are not familiar with the history and happenings in Kosovo region. They have no idea about atrocities Albanians were committing against Serbs for years, they have no idea about migrations from Albania, they have no idea about terror attacks, about persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), about wahhabism and about islamization, about their well planned rabbit-speed-reproduction in order to become majority .... simply they do not know what was / is happening there.

    The 'peace keeping' forces are enthusiastic with 'friendly' approach by locals. lol. Drugs, brothels and booze are cheap, paradise for lonely 'peace-keepers'. Now days it is at Sodom and Gomorrah level.

    Why should anybody agree with the worst theft in Balkans history, with well staged aggression ...

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