
Who is an advocate or lawyer for those that never had a chance to know the truth on judgement day?

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And if you are one of these denominations that believe that those who never knew, will never make it to heaven, how can you stand it?




  1. the bible is clear there are none who do not know , and there is no one without excuse .

  2. What "truth" do you speak of?  Every person that claims to know "the truth" will find another person who has an entirely different "truth."  So the theological definition of "truth" is completely arbitrary and meaningless.

    If believing makes you feel better fine, but your attempt to reconcile your taught doctrine with reality will never neatly resolve, unfortunately.  This is why there are those of us who have found it better to reject any "truths' claimed by scripture involving supernatural things that cannot be proven.

    How can a supposedly "all knowing", "all loving" God punish the objects of his creation?  How can those that will "never know Him" be subject to eternal damnation?  That's a philosophical question, not a real question, because in the real world, the evidence indicates that this "god" was manufactured by ancient people who knew very little about the world in which they lived.  They ritualistically murdered animals to make their crops grow.  They thought thunder and lighting were angry beings in the sky.  These are outdated concepts that are best resigned to mythology.

    You can spend your entire life contemplating what will happen when you die, and still never find an answer.  Or you can work to change things in THIS world right here and now, to make it a better place for you and others.  That's a lot more important than worrying about what happens to peoples spirits, that may or may not even exist.  There's plenty of meaning in life if you know where to look, and you don't have to believe in magical beings to find peace and happiness.

  3. Jesus is the Mediator, and He will do what is Just.

    We are going to be judged by how much information we had available.

  4. That would be the invisible pink unicorn and the FSM. But I don't think they'd care.

  5. I don't have all the answers, but I know God is both loving and just.

    I used to struggle with this issue.  But then God told me I needed to focus on myself.  I was forfeiting my own salvation by refusing to rest in His Sovereignty.  He revealed Himself to me and saved me from myself. If God gave me a chance to accept His sacrifice, right in the midst of all my stubborness, then what reason do I have to believe He is not reaching out to every other being on the face of the planet?

    What right do I have to judge my creator? He is all powerful, and yet soooo merciful.  It is truly His "kindness that leads us to repentence!"

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