Who is annoyed when people on yahoo answers mock Dyslexia and Dyslexia people in their anwsers.
E.G sorry about my touch of dyslexia, when they have poor spelling.
Or writing that Dyslexia people are stupid etc.
Or leave an answer that is purposely miss-spelled saying thats dyslexia, like this "roseey aobut ym ysdlxeia"
Etc. Etc.
Or even being so un-informed about dyslexia, that when they answer questions about dyslexia there answer is insulting where there information is so incorrect, or out extremely out-dated, and wrong.
As someone who has Dyslexia it hurts and annoys me to see that people are so ignorant about Dyslexia, and think that it is acceptable to mock dyslexia and dyslexia people.
I believe this is nearly the modern equivalent of calling someone a r****d or worse, who has Down Syndrome.