
Who is at Fault for the Middle East Being so Messed Up...???

by Guest56609  |  earlier

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For the people saying Arabs or Islam: Did you personally research that or is that what the Media feeds you?




  1. Obviously most of your answerers are really young and don't know the Middle East has ALWAYS been messed up.  President Bush has nothing to do with it.  He wasn't president when Muslims attacked the World Trade Center in 1993..  He wasn't president during the Iran-Iraq War or the 6 Day War or who knows how many other Middle Eastern wars.  Muslims are usually involved though and so is the hot, desert climate.

  2. fuel and alot of natural resources that are burried there are responsible. if peace was there how could superpowers steal from there man u gotta think of other things as well....................................... person can solve all the problems and can definitely bring justice to all world. i am pretty sure that there are enough resources for all human beings. these messed up will prepare some how the people of the world fo a progressive revolution to happen very soon by Imam Mahdi (ajallaho farjaho sharif)

  3. Islam.  READ the Qur'an and the hadiths of Bukhari and see for yourself.

  4. Right now I feel the US and the UK have to take a big part of the blame. Whilst I could never condone the actions of some of the dictators and regimes in the Middle East, we must remember that many of these regimes were put in place by the West (through arms deals, funding, militiary assistance) in order to gain a foothold in the Middle East, and exert some level of control over the oil there.

    Religion plays a part, but let's not blame Islam itself, rather the skewed interpretation of it from the tiny, tiny minority who have been helped into power because it suits the West to put them there. This is not the wish of the vast majority of Middle Easterners and I do not believe they should be blamed for it.

  5. It goes away back.  Put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine how you would feel. In recent times the Middle East has been invaded and subjugated by:

    The Greeks

    The Romans

    The Mongols

    The Crusades

    The Turks

    The British and French

    The United States Of America.

    For good or for worse, no one has just "let them be."  I think they're getting tired of continually being crapped on by foreigners.

  6. There was always a problem there.Just like China and Russia,the Middle East tries to keep western influence out of the country.But unlike China and Russia,the Arab world is hindered from progress due to religious fanatics and the rich who want the people to stay ignorant so their familes can prosper forever.You can still be modern and keep Islam intact,but that's the argument there.

    Now all we did is exposed the problems to the world and have gotten ourselves involved with this petty Christian,Jew,Muslim stuff.It's not productive and there will never be a winner unless someone considers genocide.

  7. My answer is;

    Greedy, Religious, Nut Jobs.

    Bushite Republicans and it started with the father of Reagan's VP/Former CIA Director and GW's Grand Father the man prosecuted for aiding and abetting the Enemy Adolf Hitler, Prescott Bush.

    Hope my answer helps

  8. Everyones fault!

  9. Everyones fault

  10. DJ nailed it on the head. The Ottoman Empire controlled much of the region and did little to develop it. It was inhabited by pockets of Nomadic tribes and religious groups. The main reason for the Middle East being so messed up has to do with the Arab(Muslim)-Jewish conflict. The Brits and the French never resolved the conflict which originated in the late 1800's - Muslims complained about Jewish immigration to the region (land of Palestine), many Jews complained that they were denied access by Brits and turned back towards Russia and Europe. It was a mess then and its still a mess now. Pride more than anything is keeping a resolution from occuring.

  11. 1- The Roman Empire

    2- The Rise of Islam

    3- The Crusades

    4- The Ottoman, and to a lesser degree the French and British Empires

    5- WW1

    6- The creation of Israel

  12. Countries, people and religions are all living, growing things, so they change with age. There are many reasons why many countries are "messed up". Some problems come from disagreement, some with discontent, some with envy, some with just growing pains. It's not only the Middle East where things are in turmoil; you just hear about the Middle East more on the news.

  13. americans invading them and stealing

    even other countries

    and now they want revenge  

  14. Religion....I believe if you remove religion out of the equation down there those folks could coexist peacefully. But then they would only have to worry about racism as you can see how well we Americans deal with.

  15. I saw a old black and white film where british planes bomb middle east villages. There is some kind of uprising, they bomb the villages to teach them a lesson. I think that is where they learn their lessons. That is why they so mess up.

    This is to the people who give me thumb down, I am just reporting a fact. I was in shock when I saw this. most of people bombed have nothing to do with uprising.

  16. It is your fault for giving them all herpes.

  17. In the recent history of the past 500 years or so, we can actually blame it on the Turks, or more accurately, the Ottomans.

    The Turkish Ottoman Empire controlled, owned and brutally dominated most of this part of the world for nearly 500 years and they kept the region from going through the growing pains of progress into modern society, keeping them in isolation and ignorance. You see, most of the people of the Middle East were kept "out of the loop" of the Renaissance, The Age of Exploration and the Age of Reason and the accompanying societal and scientific progress that happened in most of the rest of the developed world during those centuries.

    This is interesting, because at a time when European culture and society was a low point during the so-called Dark Ages (c.1000 AD) , the Middle East led the world in the areas of science, medicine, art, architecture and engineering.

    Europeans got a big boost in all of these areas from the Crusades, as many ideas and techniques were learned from the Middle East and brought back to Europe, spawning the era of the Renaissance in Europe and it’s subsequent progress to a modern culture. Then the Middle East soon after became dominated by the Turkish Empire, which held control over all the lands and people for centuries, keeping them from what would have been a natural progress toward a more modern and civilized culture. Only when the Ottomans allied with Austria and Germany during WWI and lost did these countries start to emerge from the Dark Ages….that’s 1918.

    It wasn’t an easy thing to be thrust into the modern world and the region has still not recovered. Imagine being of a people that once were the most progressive and productive in the world and then emerging years later to find that the rest of the world had left you behind centuries before. Resentment has become a regional character.

    Tribal rivalries that had been kept suppressed for centuries emerged and bloodshed soon followed, and it hasn’t stopped yet. Some of the people living there were living a practically Stone Age life…wandering tribes of Bedouins who lived by the sword and codes of conduct that were a millennium old by this time. Other regions were more progressive, however the tribalism of the rural regions dominated and even modern towns on the Mediterranean coast soon fell subject to archaic and oppressive religious and Monarchical rule. The British haplessly tried to exert some colonial rule, but it was always too little and too late. Then, after WWII the return of the Jews to the area only exacerbated seething hatred of the rest of the world and often, amongst each other.

  18. There is no right answer, for this you would have to go back about 500 years.

    Everybody who came there, colonized the place and tried to colonize there are to blame. So that equals

    Most of Western Europe, USA, Egypt, India, China, Ottoman Empire. and everybody else who came there in the 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, and 1900's .

  19. jews christians and muslims, nowt todo with me tho im an atheist

  20. We as Americans try to impose our "Democratic" laws and ways to countries that have been in existence much longer then America.  Plus they also did cut out a big chunch for Isreal after WWII so I am sure that has alot to do with it aswell,  

  21. Its a long and winding road.  Unfortunately it's religion that has messed it up.  I'm not saying one is bad, one is not but when you mix Jews with Muslims it's very very dicey.  Everyone claims this is their land, and for the most part most of them are right.  The English sliced up some of the land way back when as well.  Kuwait for example WAS part of Iraq but was sliced off by England, Sadaam tried to take it back and got UN forces (1st Gulf war).   A lot of people wonder why we didn't take Baghdad during the first Gulf war, but the mission was to give Kuwait back to the Kuwaitis, not take over Iraq.  

  22. The majority of wars are caused by religious conflict and corrupt governments.  

  23. Harry Truman

    His Secretary of State, General George Marshall, perhaps one of the wisest men in the 20th century told Truman in 1948 'If you recognise Israel, I'll vote against you in the next election'

    Marshall (of the Marshall Plan) felt that we'd have trouble with arabs and risk to oil supply forever

    Truman told him that Jews vote in the USA, arabs dont

  24. If you could answer that, we would have world peace.  The Middle East and the West have such different cultures and both sides misunderstand the other and then the fight goes on and on and on and on and on.............

  25. Currently, I think it's because the UN forced Israel onto the region.  Not that they didn't deserve a place, but they just pushed Palestine aside.  Now, Sunnis and Shiites would have been at each other's throats anyway, but this just worsened things.

  26. politics and senseless religions

    s***w politics (and George bush as well)

  27. I think part of it might be George W. Bush's fault.  I hate George Bush.  

  28. They are.

    Seriously, what specifically do you mean.  There are several countries that are solely responsible for their current states of affairs.  Religion and religious battles have plagued a few nations, greed has plagued others.  Take your pick.

  29. The people in the middle east would be the obvious answer...

  30. its nobodys fault they've always been like that nobody can stop it.

  31. bush , senior and junior , blair , silvio burliscoini , john howard , american nation for voting bush in an using 9/11 as a exuse

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