
Who is behinde all the terrorism , and is there many sort of it ?

by  |  earlier

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everybody noticed that terrorism aims to destroy sociaties , and its target always innocent civilians , for it happens suddenly anywhere except military quarters , so who the h**l is managing it to happen , who is getting the benefit , well in anothr word WHICH country is behinde this all..? I myself beleive that terrorism is one thing , and it serves a certain country ......

PS: please let us avoid emotionel & nervious answers , and please no hard feelings , lets be logical and open minded & civilized humans ...we all against all sort of terrorism and violence ,no doubt in that ..




  1. most terrorist acts are committed against governments and military installations. /the Beirut bombing of the military dorm the coal bombing of a military ship.

    While there is state sponsored terrorism the vast majority is not. therefore, ther is no country to blame. This frustrates hawks who hope so solve it by war.

    Your assumption that terrorists have a goal or mission and are expecting to gain something is incorrect.

    Ideologues commit terroristic acts to right a wrong. The act in and of it's self Rights the wrong in their minds.

    Insurgents may be freedom fighters but terrorists are not trying to be freedom fighters and are freedom fighters to no one.

    Terrorists only spring out of religions that believe in reparations and is always done for the act it self.

    Jack Oliphant adviser to Osama and trainer of McVeigh said always respond in kind and to greater measure.

    The OK City bombing was not chosen because it was big for high number kill or terror, it was chosen because it was in kind.

    I trained for 10 years under jack and I can tell you that terrorism if never measured by its effect only by its cause.

    A small terrorist act that has neabing is greater than a large act with no message.

    The twin towers was our message to the world that we dominate earth. 911 was their message to that domination is over. If no one dies, the message would have been the same.

    The act itself was reparative, the breach was closed, no further act was needed. The Nation will now throw away its liberty and freedom surrendering it's moral authority and become the Tyrant that Osama has declaired upon it.











  2. Bush/Cheney and friends are the ones who are profitting from it.

    I will get thumbs down but I truely believe they are the real terrorists abroad and back in America.

  3. Globalists. (rockerfellers, rothschilds, other corporations)


  4. It depends on your point of view.  To some they are freedom fighters.

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