
Who is best friend?please tell me this mean..?

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I have to write an essay on bestfriend but i don"t know what is the meaning of best friend.




  1. You can't answer that on your own ?

    It's someone who cares about you and always there when you need help.

    Someone you been around with all your life and bearly or rarely starts problems with you because yall have a strong friendship.

    Also someone who won't have s*x with your gf or bf...if they do then your best friend and you need to have a talk AHAHAHA

  2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Best friend should be that who stands by you through thick and thin

  3. A best friend

    who understand u & your feelings.

    who care 4 u, u can tell him/her your problems & find a solution,

    u can share your not only problems but all happy moment.

    you have no hasitation to tell him your secrets of life which we can not tell to any other person.


    Every one should have one best friend, to share lifes puzzles, happy & sad moments etc...

    But if i  have a best friend, its also my duty to care him/her.

    i have to look also that due to my problems, he/she should not  getting worry, i have to care his feelings.

    If we get atleast one best friend, its our luck.


  4. friend the one who understands u & ur problems

    the one who cares about u

    the one to which u can share ur joys & sorrows........

  5. best friend means she/he can help u in any situation that means good or my opinion best friend is a god gift for me.because we have no blood relation with him/her.but they always wish for us

  6. Best friend is a true friend, whom u likes, who likes u and accepts u as it is!

  7. The best friend is one who will always be on your side when you need him. He can be trusted to any level & will offer his shoulder when you want to cry, be a help when you need, be a guide when you are lost, be a source of energy when you feel exhausted.

    A best friend is also the one who will be caring, loving & an unseperable part of you.

  8. if a person thinks and feels u as his/her best friend, then she is the best friend of yours  

  9. a bestfriend is someone who is always there for you.

    if you call them they can tell something is wrong even if you deny it.

    they would put you first, any day.

    you laugh till you cry every time you are together.

    and you love them with your whole heart, no matter how retarded they are(:

    pretty much, a bestfriend is the greatest thing that could ever happen to you.

  10. You would never admit if I told you a name. So sorry.

  11. this is what i think.

    there is a difference between best and true,

    i would say best is what you call a close friend that you can tell things to but not too much and you would spend time with them, maybe not all the time.

    a true friend occupies a permanent space in your heart

    they are always there to pick up the pieces

    and someone you can deeply open your feelings to.

    finding your true friends is a real learning curve

    you will start to realise that friends you had before are nothing compared to your true ones.


  12. Who one is with you when you are in Sadness, Happy, Unhappy, Joyful, unjoyful, Rich and poor

  13. if you don't know the meaning of best friend then you've clearly never got close enough to someone.

    my best friend died last night :( - a best friend is someone who will always be there for you when you need them, someone who you can tell ANYTHING to and they'd try their hardest to understand, someone who keeps your secrects and someone who always tells you the truth, no matter what. a best friend so someone to count on at all times, no matter what the situation, or where they are or whatever, they will be there for you. a best friend is like family, like a brother or sister to you and you'd take a bullet for them if you had to. once you find your best friend, try to never lose them - it hurts.

  14. Yur heart and soul is your best friend otherwise a close friend becomes competitive with you in your progress and becomes jealous of you if you get more success then him  and will ever wish for your downfall. And will show ampty sympathy with you in your bad times. And will wish that you remain behind him in getting success so that the other friends may compare him with you and balance remaining in his favour. While youir heart and soul will criticise your every move in life for good conclusion and they never speakthe false things for you and they are to be glad / happy with your every success if you listen to them seriously...!

  15. one wid whom u can share anything & everything. whoaccepts u 4 wat ur , respects u & never tries to change u

  16. A best friend is someone you truely love and care about, (in a friend way), can trust them with everything, and are always there for you no matter what, and you do the same to them :)

  17. The one who is always there for u, with whom you can be urself and who will 4give u a fight without ur having to ask.

  18. a best friend is a friend who's is always there to comfort you in bad times or in times of problems.he/she is the one whom you could share your secrets and the only person you trust.

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