
Who is better Dan Carter or Johno Wilk?

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Who is better Dan Carter or Johno Wilk?




  1. At what? Getting injured?

    Assuming you mean at playing....

    Carter by a mile.

    Wilkinson is the David Beckham of rugby. He's good with a dead ball, but thoroughly mediocre the rest of the time.

  2. Definitely Carter.

  3. Wilkonson is an immensely talented and dedicated player. I think both himself and Dan Carter are on a par. Carter plays on a much better team so most people would say he is better. Wilkonson can do so much more than kick, his tackling for one thing is fantastic, unfortunately its much more difficult to notice this because he playing on a team who are going through a bad phase and his injuries did not help.

  4. johnny wilkonson defenitly!!! he is soo d**n hot!!

  5. Daniel Carter is much better at playing rugger.

  6. d.c, wilki's a drop goal specialist as someone said, d.c's got it all m8, he's my first pick no questions asked

  7. Two very different players.

    Dan Carter has the advantage of being surrounded by world class players who are used to playing together whereas Wilkinson is reintegrating a team that is only now (since the apptmt of BA) taking shape. The cohesion that already exists in the NZ backline, coupled with the excellent service Carter receives from Kelleher and the constant threat of attackers and game breakers around him gives Carter that extra split second to manoeuvre so I think the answer to that question right now is that Carter has had the opportunity to shine more recently.

    If you look at basic fly-half skills then I'd say they're about on a par as far as defence, kicking from hand and from the ground. Wilkinson is a drop goal specialist and Carter probably has a bit more gas. Both are excellent passers of the ball but given that Carter's superior pace offers a pure attacking threat that Wilkinson doesn't offer then I'd have Carter as my fly-half in my dream team.

    So Carter by a nose but if JW wants to come and play for my team he's more than welcome any weekend, I'll pay for beer afterwards although I'm not sure he'll drink it.

  8. at the mo proberly Wilko but on his day Dan

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