
Who is better Derek Jeter or Pete Rose?

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Who is better Derek Jeter or Pete Rose?




  1. Rose was a better on it!

  2. In what baseball or gambling?

  3. better player-rose no comparison.If you ever saw pete rose in the 60's or 70's you would realize Jeter is average

  4. You've got to be kidding!  

  5. Pete Rose is way better than Jeter - Jeter's very overrated.

  6. He has won the American League Rookie of the Year Award, a Silver Slugger Award, and three Gold Glove Awards. In 2000, he became the only player to win both the All-Star Game MVP Award and the World Series MVP Award in the same year. His .317 career batting average through the 2007 season ranks him with the 5th-highest lifetime batting average of all active baseball players. He has been in the top seven in the American League in both hits and runs scored for nine of the past ten years. These are hardly the stats of an "average" player maybe you should do some research before you call someone average not to mention the fact that he also has 2500 hits as of the other day that is something that only 88 other players have EVER done. And all in all Pete Rose is the better player but i can't agree with calling Jeter average or out of reach of Rose's caliber of player.

  7. Saying Jeter is overrated is a bit outlandish and ridiculous. Look at his career stats and his resume some time. The difference in the end is Jeter will be in the hall of fame and Rose will not be. There is something to be said for character, class, and leadership. Three traits Jeter clearly has over almost everybody.

    However, as hitters, Rose is one of the greatest of all times. Not a knock on Jeter because he is third all time in Yankees history after Ruth and Gehrig and he will have 3,000 hits within two more seasons. He will not be the hitter Rose was. In honesty, who was? He is #1 all time.

    Saying Jeter would be nothing if he played for the Pirates instead of the Yankees is foolish. That is like saying if Peter Rose did not play for the Big Red Machine and the champion Phillies in the early 80's, he would have been nothing. Remember Rose was surrounded by Hall of Famers in his career lineups too. (Morgan, Bench, Schmidt, etc.)

    I think you have to break down departments. Rose is the better hitter all time. No question! Jeter has more power, he is a better fielder and played a tougher position, more speed, he has more championship rings, and most importantly he has never strayed from being a class role model, a player who plays the game right and honestly, who is an admired leader and captain, and never betrayed the integrity of the game at any point of his career.

    Remember: One will walk in the Hall of Fame on the first ballot and the other one will never see it.

  8. Jeter is a great player but Pete Rose was a magnificent player. He hit 4256 hits and should be in the Hall of Fame. Yes, that's another topic, but still. Although Jeter is the current hitting machine and does compare to Rose in how they play the game, Rose still has the edge between the two.

  9. Jeter of course cause rose is a cheater

  10. I think its funny how some of these folks are saying one will walk in the hall of fame and one will not. That's frickin hilarious, Rose is not going into the Hall because he gambled, period. It has nothing to do with his stats. If it were on his stats alone, Jeter would be kissing his feet when and if he ever gets elected to the Hall. Let's be realistic people, Rose is the All-Time Hit King, like him or not that will never go away and the fact that anyone can compare his stats to Jeter, well it's no comparison!! Rose is the better of the two by far!!!

  11. WOW!!!  I read these answers and almost all are on the button. Both of these men  excelled on the field. Pete Rose put more emotion into the game @ headfirst slides into firstbase and always ran his hardest up the line.  Jeter is a very good player. but from day one he has always been compared to others. But look at his stats. No he will probably never reach the number of hits Rose Did, But how many players today will?

    Roses off field problems have cost him dearly. Jeter comes across as a true role model for kids.  but to answer the main question who is better Rose or Jeter. what do you like apples or oranges? both are good.

    Rose was great for the game when he played. Jeter is great for the game now. Both have and had the passion for the game. I would say its a tie.

    As to those who answered about the hall of fame. sure we know who will wnd will not make it but that was not what the question was about

  12. Derek Jeter is an honorable man who plays the game the right way.  Pete Rose is a liar, cheat, and an all around bad guy.  I'll take Jeter any day.

  13. Jeter isn't even good enough to hold Pete Rose's wager book.

  14. I saw a projection in the Sporting News that said Jeter will have a salary of $20M next season and the first thought that entered my mind was, "For what?"

    He's not an outstanding hitter--a .315 BA is nothing in today's game--and he's just an average fielder so his repuation is based upon the fact that the Yankees won a few World Series early in his career and that he's able to get on base and let real hitters drive him in.

    Rose is an @ss but the boy could hit.

  15. Rose without a doubt. Jeter is the most overrated player today.  Jeter won't even sniff Rose's stats.  If Jeter played for the Pirates his whole career, you wouldn't know who he is.

  16. Oh My God, why is everyone saying Jeter is overrated? He is number 3 on the Yankees all-time list for hits! He just got his 2500th hit, and you guys are saying he's overrated??

  17. Pete Rose was by far the better player of the two and Jeter by far the more popular with fans.

  18. Rose  

  19. gambling pete rose, hitting pete, leadership jeter,

  20. Jeter. These people who call Jeter overrated are clueless.  Jeter has a much higher career batting average than Rose, played a much more important postion that Rose, and is a better all-around players.

    Jeter haters like to criticize him for winning because he had so much talent around him. Well, Rose had Bench, Morgan, and Tony Perez, all Hall of Famers in the same line-up. The Reds also had a lot of other solid players like Dan Driessen, and Ken Griffey.

    Jeter will easily surpass 3000 hits. I don't see Jeter passing Rose because he won't hang on WAY too long like Rose did. The Pete Rose of the '80s was average to below-average, especially the last four years he played. Jeter is a team player, he will still bunt and hit behind the runner and not think of stats. Rose was a player/manager of the Reds, but pencilled his name into the lineup almost every day, when he should have been concentrating on managing. Typical Rose selfishness.

  21. Better player: Rose

    Better person: Jeter

  22. Ichiro.  I think Jeter does have a chance to top Rose if he starts having good years again, but what Ichiro has accomplished in his career in the US alone answers the question.  It's a shame that he didn't play his whole career over here, because it wouldn't even have been a question.

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