
Who is better? The Heartbreak Kid or the Cerebral Assassin? Why?

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Who is better? The Heartbreak Kid or the Cerebral Assassin? Why?




  1. Cerebral Assassin - Hes One Funny Motherf*cker, Hes Just An All Round LEGEND. !  

  2. This is easy.  It's not about he number of titles you win, but the grace and class you exhibit and how much you give back to the business that gave so much to you.  It's also about wrestling ability, and both men are great.  Shawn Michaels has avercome more in his career, and returned to top form when it seemed phyically impossible for him to return.  He gives back and gives back.  HHH, while great, buries to many stars and seeks for himself, which is fine.  But not near as great as Michaels.  HBK is the REAL hoggie!

  3. I Like Them Both But HHH Is Great Best As A Heel Tho Being Face Just Aint His Thing I Loved When He Was With Evolutuion And Come Out With His SledgeHammer But I Cheered For The Rock N Sock Connection At Wresltemania One Of My Fave tag Teams

  4. this is a hard one but i would say HBK is..he has been around longer than HHH and hes been around the ropes more times then HHH has..

  5. very difficult question. Both guys are great.

    But I like Bret Hart very much and I loved all the gimmik (HBK didn't s***w Bret, Vince s***w Bret) so I'll say Shawn Michaels is better than Triple H, but not by far.

  6. triple h.  at least he's honest!  

  7. Cerebral assasin HHH...hes a heavy weight

    i like him but HBK is grown old now...he wouldnt be able to take on HHH in a real fight..

  8. The Cerebral Assassin because he is a great wrestler and a funny guy

  9. Of course its Shawn Michaels who throughout his career has been champion in every stage he performed at.  Tag champion as the (Midnight) Rockers with Marty Janetty, IC Champion, European Champion, WWF champion.  Set the standard in every single gimmick match he has ever been in.  The legendary ladder matches against Scott Hall is the precursor to what Jeff Hardy does.  HBK was in the very first h**l in the Cell against the Undertaker.....if it was not for this match you would not see it on PPV every year.  Now at the near end of his career he is using mind games to get his matches over instead of sacrificing his body in the ring.

    HHH is just HBK's #1 fan.

  10. Umm..................

    It's hard to answer!!!

    HBK not by much but he he's had to retire and he's still came back!!! And that's pretty amazing. But Triple H has had his fair share of championships!!!

    I don't know it's too hard to say their both great!!!

  11. i'll go with shawn michaels (though i hated the guy all my life, actually both of them).. shawn had been wrestling for so long & he had establish himself well enough.. he's better than triple h in almost all aspects; a better performer, a better entertainer, a better wrestler.. triple h has also been around for long but ability wise, he'll eat shawn's dust..

  12. like both of them a lot, but I have to say HBK. During the 90's when it was a lot tougher to win championships, he ended up winning them all! He won the Heavyweight, Intercontinental, European, and Tag Championships. He was the first 4 crown winner. HHH has won the Heavyweight belt like 10 times or something crazy...but now a days that belt changes hands every few months, so it's a lot easier to have multi-time champions. Look at Cena, he's had the belt like 5 times and hasn't been wrestling for very long

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