
Who is better a chiropractor or a physiotherapist in South Africa?

by Guest66687  |  earlier

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We rode the mechanical Bull on Saturday......absolutely fantastic. I stayed on 4 seconds (that was the longest), husband stayed on 18 seconds. But now his back is sore. What is the best to do, make a booking at a physio or a chiro?




  1. Probably you'd need both after that!

  2. You GO Cowgirl - I love those Bulls they are great fun...

    Not surprising The 2 Bulls are correct - Physio will focus more on the muscular strains while a Chiro is more relative to ongoing bone and joint issues...

    My suggestion is go to a Physio first who may refer you to a Chiro

  3. A physio would be just as good as a chiro in the event of the stiffness being the result of muscle spasm or minor muscle tears, should it be an acute problem that is recurring and related to possible spine or bone defects, then opt for a chiro.

    I have problems with my neck and have been to a physio and a chiro, there was to me little difference in their approach.

  4. My suggestion will be Physio first. I am sure he has muscle strain and a good physio session or two will do him a world of good.

    Lol, I wish I could have seen you! Was it all arms and legs everywhere?

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